progress won ✊🏿

  • @Whom
    93 years ago

    I’m not even pro-PRC or whoever you’re trying to piss off but this is the most obvious troll account I’ve ever seen. Go away.

    • @sheesh
      3 years ago

      This trolling is very annoying. In addition there is always the name calling (“facist”, “bigot”,…) by this user and it seems it is @SupportTransPeople that was banned.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        3 years ago

        Admins and I have known for long that they are SupportTransPeople, and I have a concise theory that fits what they are attempting. They know what ideas and viewpoints Lemmy users stand for, and are making troll accounts with those as usernames and writing edgy comments to destroy discussions and make Lemmy look bad to newcomers.

        • @sheesh
          43 years ago

          I was thinking the same…It seems the old saying remains true - don’t feed the trolls. Also, I was almost waiting for a post on reddit/etc. claiming they were banned froom lemmy because of all the “bigots” here. :/ I hope this kind of tactics are not successful. Thanks for all the great work on this community!

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            -13 years ago

            There are particular people that are attempting to practice reverse troll accusation, a new tactic. Trolls are evolving.

            A recent example is , who called me a troll of no value and blocked me so that I could not even respond. Funnily, he accused me of something that soferman did, who I exposed and drove out of Lemmy.

            ArtilectZed, a new troll

            who actually made the fake community

            Who I exposed few months ago:

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        12 years ago

        He ended up banned? Aleluya. But yeah this account is really similar.

    • down daemon
      33 years ago

      yeah not a PRC fan but this is tiresome

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      22 years ago

      There was some dude called SupportTransPeople who literally was calling nazi to absolutely EVERY ONE. It was kinda funny

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    3 years ago

    Free speech fears over draft law that states privately funded organisations ‘shall not engage in news-gathering, editing, and broadcasting’

    Yeah looks good to me, since private corporations are not accountable. News agencies should be accountable to the masses.

  • @soloninja
    43 years ago

    yikes there goes free speech and free voices, journalism

  • @lovehumanityx
    -13 years ago

    Corruption is paramount in China. To be honest I don’t think its because of their political ideology at all. Its just that have a lot of evil people in power that defo don’t care for others rights and so called ‘democracy’