Why is there a “porn” suffix? I understand we of the Lemmy community are in a “Reddit emulation”-phase right now, but this is silly (imo). Why not something like “Abandoned Place Photography”?

  • @xvf
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @slice1
      63 years ago

      I agree. It is just not needed. I prefer porn being porn and well… not other random stuff. In addition, it could put off people who are asexual or from places where porn is illegal (it is thus not very inclusive…)

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    33 years ago

    Porn actually, for some reason, started to imply excess of a type of content. However, its definition says it refers to explicit and vulgar content.

    I think the OG coomers managed to change this definition in urban/slang usage, and I do think it is creative and self explanatory. There should not be a “moral” discussion on this, as it is not normalising the creation and usage of explicit porno content itself, but meaning the excess and obsession of whatever topic it is added to as suffix.

    To me, it looks like the word “porn” got liberalised as a suffix by all kinds of liberals.

    • @Peter1986cOP
      13 years ago

      Yeah. Sorry for having overreacted quite a bit.

  • riccardoM
    3 years ago

    As someone already pointed out, I decided to use this name because it makes the community’s topic and the kind of content people are expected to post here immediately obvious to those who are familiar with reddit - which I assume is most people in here. But if this is kind of naming is controversial for the existing userbase, I will turn this community into a proxy community that redirects to a new one

  • @ttmrichter
    -13 years ago

    There is a long tradition of using “porn” as a suffix for things. Disaster Porn, Torture Porn (a subset of horror movies, not a PornHub category), Scenery Porn, Costume Porn, etc.

    Is it a bit puerile or juvenile? Sure. But it’s not something that’s likely to change and it’s not something that’s really harming anybody. If it really bugs you, don’t subscribe and set up an alternative group.

    • @sheesh
      3 years ago

      I think we all know who the bigot is here… But seriously, you should stop labelling everyone and get off your high horse.