I’ve noticed over the years that new users tend to have overlapping questions, such as what theory they should read, how to find a party, what Marxism-Leninism even is, ect.

So should we put together a FAQ specifically for Lemmygrad users?

If you want to help put a FAQ together, please comment below.

  • It could also be useful on prolewiki, maybe in the essays section. My main gripe with mediawiki software is it’s actually really hard to find information unless you know exactly what you’re looking for. But definitely we could host it externally (not necessarily on prolewiki if you don’t want to or it’s impractical), since lemmy doesn’t yet have features for permanent, unmoving content

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OP
      23 years ago

      I’d be totally fine with using Prolewiki for it. It would also give us a chance to send technically official traffic over there. and imo, it’s important the open-source ML projects support each other.

  • loathesome dongeater
    43 years ago

    I think if we make a FAQ it should not be too long and expansive. In my experience it dissuades newbies from trawling through a massive document. Thoughts on this?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer OP
    23 years ago

    Tbh I have no idea where to even start on making a FAQ, and I don’t feel like I’m the person to put it together either.