Hi lemmy! So this is kind of controversial, but hear me out. Let me start off by saying I’ve been on a few reddit alternatives, as I’ve mentioned in different posts, and I’ve seen language that is very hateful. I was disgusted by the language, but after seeing it over and over again, I just got sad. These people only know fear and hatred. I’m not sure anyone’s shown them kindness.

Should we be kind to those that we disagree with or that use hateful speech?

  • marmulak
    3 years ago

    Of course be kind, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act in an otherwise appropriate manner. If someone for example is on the site writing hate speech or such things, it is a kindness to remove the content and/or ban them. Sometimes that’s just what you got to do, but if someone is abusive should you be abusive back? Of course not. Being kind doesn’t mean you don’t do what’s necessary.