Hi. So the weirdest, most annoying argument I’ve had just happened. Some alt-righter’s logic was “Well, if I use this obscene word a lot, then i’m using it liberally, and if enough people hear it, then thAt’s PRoGREssive” Dafuq crack are you smoking bro? Using hate speech/profanities/obscenities is neither liberal or progressive. Am I wrong? Explain this warped logic to me? Chuds are quite illogical. Also, I’m a bit buzzed and I can make more sense than a right-wing chud.

  • Whom
    3 years ago

    My guess, aside from the strange word usage, is that they think using slurs casually takes their power away. It’s a pretty common belief…I guess people realize the obviously true fact that those words are bad not because of any natural law but actually because of social factors and then just conclude the problem is the people hurt by them. That leads them to put the burden of solving this problem on the targets of that language, since “they’re just words”. If you come at it from that angle, I can see how you’d land on the idea that the way to go is to do whatever you can to desensitize everyone to all words with power so everyone can see that they’re just words.

    It should go without saying, but even if this is what they meant, it’s still absurd and incorrect. And while I’m sure some do land on it by following a similar line of thinking to what I just said, I’m confident even more land on it out of convenience: it lets them defend the shitty thing they wanted to do anyway.