Hello everyone,
I would like to learn how to create and manage a static site (with Hugo o similiar) but I’m totally noob and I don’t know where to start.
There is any book, tutorial or website where I can learn something?
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Awesome! Thank you very much!
if you want to self host (or just in general) and it’s just a static site, check out IPNS, it’s essentially perfect for static websites 😉
I understand. Thanks :)
What a coincidence! Just last night I started reading this book! https://pragprog.com/titles/bhhugo/build-websites-with-hugo/ I like that the chapters are short and that there are exercises :)
Thank you for the suggestion! I’ve saved the book in my list and I will start to read it.
Here is a video https://tilvids.com/videos/watch/e9567603-9395-447d-8050-4f0be77d5b6c It will be helpful for you
You don’t need to use codeberg. Github and gitlab will also allow you to host the site.
For a free domain name checkout freenom
Thank you!
Thank you, I’ll check it