Everyhing in our houses can be run by electricity, from heating to hot water and cooktops. That makes me think natural gas can only be useful to produce electricity in gas power plants.
Electricity higher efficiency and lower leaking or dispersion, suggests a win-win situation.
There are municipalities in my area that have started mandating electical appliances in new buildings. I think gas lines are on their way out. My guess is that it will be 50 years before they are all gone in cities in the US.
I found this page, but not sure if it’s true data or just fake numbers to better sell their product, they say natural gas for home is increasing in the US.
Oh, I completely believe those figures. I just think it is the beginning of the end for new additions. Heat pumps and induction cooktops are viable alternatives to gas and governments are starting to react. My prediction is that we’ll hit peak new gas in the next decade and it will tail off after that. Might just be wishful thinking though.
This page from the eia.gov website shows that consuption of nat. gas in the residential sphere has remained relavitely constant. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/natural-gas/use-of-natural-gas.php
Of course its fully possible for both an increase in new homes with gas, and for the usage to remain constant.