• @RagnarokOnline@reddthat.com
    2708 months ago

    The “Not enough mod tools” complaint is valid and I hope that improves as the platform moves forward.

    I DO NOT get the disdain for the Lemmy userbase. I’ve been here for the past 4-5 months and can say I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

    I think it’s the same situation as between a small town and a big city. Reddit is huge and with a large number of people; you’re going to statistically get a larger number of assholes. Not to mention there are tens of thousands of people commenting on anything that hits r/all, so there’s no chance someone else is going to read your 1 comment that is drowning in a sea of other comments.

    Lemmy feels more like a small town. Things move a little slower here, but there’s less competition to have your voice heard, and I end up seeing some of the same users time and time again across the Fediverse. I think that smaller feel means more people have a chance to see your content without it getting drowned out by the masses, which means more opportunity to make connections.

    Some people suck, but Lemmy has been fucking awesome for me so far and I love this place because of that.

    • @tacosanonymous@lemm.ee
      778 months ago

      Idk. It seems like that was a bot trying to dissuade people from leaving Reddit. One of the reasons we left Reddit was bc of the bots.

      • @RagnarokOnline@reddthat.com
        678 months ago

        I had that kind of “astroturf-y” feel from the Reddit comment as well, but their opinion about mod tools is not entirely wrong.

        The fear-mongering about CSAM being all over the place hasn’t been my experience, though. I’ve never come across CSAM here on Lemmy (sorry to those who have), but I don’t tend to keep NSFW posts on because I cruise Lemmy at work.

        • Neshura
          8 months ago

          I think CSAM isn’t prevalent here because the groups posting it know that they will get nuked from orbit by every other instance for doing so. I think there is still plenty of CSAM content posted on lemmy, but not on the main federated net/web, instead on a private net/web (you can whitelist federate instances, which would likely be what any group of instances handling illicit material would opt for)

        • @MBM@lemmings.world
          68 months ago

          CSAM isn’t tagged as NSFW, because it’s trolls (criminals) posting it. I think the admins have been pretty on the ball with removing it though

        • @OtherPetard@feddit.nl
          28 months ago

          To be honest, the only CSAM I’ve encountered is having it mentioned during the Purge back when it happened. Nothing else. As far as I know Lemmy is quite well moderated.

      • Kayn
        8 months ago

        Can we please stop calling anyone who doesn’t agree with us a bot?

        How is that a bot to you?

    • @TexMexBazooka@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      New users who aren’t defederated from Lemmygrad and hexbear by default are what contribute to that perception

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        -548 months ago

        More like predditors are mostly (80%) from US/Canada/Europe and overwhelmingly desire white privilege, and any country and person that opposes it is treated like how Nazis used to treat others as lower humans.

    • @Bluefruit@lemmy.world
      398 months ago

      I can definitely say that I have enjoyed interacting with folks on Lemmy more than on reddit. Lemmy has felt like small subreddits even in the larger communities.

      Every place on the internet is gonna have people that suck but the vast majority of my interactions here have been nice.

    • @Sharkwellington@lemmy.one
      178 months ago

      I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

      For one thing, it feels there is so much stronger of a push here to read the article instead of just the headline. Especially appreciated when someone adds the article to the post or leaves it in a comment. TLDR bot isn’t for me but it helps.

      There’s also so much less of a push to be that meme comment that hits the top. There are still jokes but it’s not this barrage of people trying to be the class clown at the expense of meaningful conversation.

      But especially the bots. Holy crap the bots were making it such a headache. The same comment slightly adjusted then posted over and over as replies to top comments for karma farming. The same stolen repost on 20 slightly similar subreddits and it doesn’t really belong on half of them. Not that Lemmy would be immune to this if it were as big as Reddit but sheesh I wish Reddit cared about the quality of content. They’re fine with whatever keeps people coming back and I guess that kind of content appeals to the most people.

    • @sculd@beehaw.org
      168 months ago

      Same here. I have had better experience here than reddit. Much fewer one line / meme responses and more actual discussion on a topic.

    • RBG
      158 months ago

      I DO NOT get the disdain for the Lemmy userbase. I’ve been here for the past 4-5 months and can say I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

      Personally I have to disagree when anyone says how much nicer, better, greater the community here is. From my experience its pretty much the same as on Reddit by now. You got nice people and you got people who just like to argue for no good reason. But I think thats just how it is online these days and I don’t see it as a bad thing. Just disagree that community-wise this is so much better than Reddit. But I guess thats an unpopular opinion.

      • @RagnarokOnline@reddthat.com
        78 months ago

        I’m glad you shared your experience, honestly.

        I’m happy with what I’ve seen here, but I’ll also say that I didn’t hang out in too many smaller subreddits. Even when I did, I saw some vitrol come out on the regular. Maybe the vibe on smaller subreddits is better than Lemmy?

        Either way, I’m glad you’re here.

    • Jelloeater
      98 months ago

      I definitely get the small town feel. Like I regularly run into the same users, even from different instances. No one here tries to be a jerk, at least from what I’ve seen. And when you create content, people actually look and care.

      8 months ago

      A lot of it is also the instance you are on. Having my account on Lemmy.world I do not have to deal with hexbear for example. They don’t have downvotes on their instance and have a totally different culture from the other instances.

      Also, know that a lot of people that ended up on Lemmy are actually the banned rejects from reddit. And maybe seeing they don’t get their “free speech” here either is what made them not believe in the platform.

      I have very much been enjoying my time here, most people have been wonderful.

    • @canihasaccount@lemmy.world
      38 months ago

      Agreed wholeheartedly. The Lemmy community has been wonderful. People here actually have good conversations, even if they take a few days to do so, unlike the folks on Reddit. Reddit comments were more meme-y and less substantive.

    • @stolid_agnostic
      28 months ago

      Yeah this is basically like reddit prior to the DIGG migration. People are much nicer here.

  • Stern
    8 months ago

    Redditalternatives has two types of folks who visit it, the smaller one thinks reddit is shit because of the choices the employees make. The larger one thinks reddit is shit because spooky woke moralist SJW shills paid by George Soros are censoring free speech via coordinated downvote, report, and ban campaigns… Sometimes a person occupies both groups.

    The former group likes Lemmy et. al. The latter gets on here, sees a pro union post top of all, shits themselves dehydrated, and leaves to write screeds like that one.

    • @seaQueue@lemmy.world
      1068 months ago

      The former group likes Lemmy et. al. The latter gets on here, sees a pro union post top of all, shits themselves dehydrated, and leaves to write screeds like that one.

      So you’re saying we should upvote even more pro union content.

      I’m doing my part!

  • @ALoafOfBread
    8 months ago

    As a 10+ year reddit user who has switched 98% to Lemmy, only checking reddit on my computer every couple days: Lemmy is completely fine, and I have seamlessly transitioned from Reddit.

    Its userbase is more technical than Reddit’s, and there’s not as much content. But it is a perfectly good Reddit alternative. I find it isn’t as addictive as reddit, which is awesome. I just wish there were more educational communities akin to AskHistorians, AskScience, etc.

    • @RotaryKeyboard@lemmy.ninja
      448 months ago

      I’m a 15-year user of Reddit. Lemmy right now is very similar to very early Reddit. Reddit’s users were more technical back then, too. I’m betting the early adopters of places like this are usually the technical types.

      Another nice thing about Lemmy is that a lot of the low-effort, casual users on Reddit haven’t gotten here yet. Interaction here is definitely a lot more pleasant.

    • @_danny@lemmy.world
      388 months ago

      It’s very akin to reddit ~10 years ago. Grammar nazis, “um actually” and pedantic debates are everywhere. You just have to not engage and consistently remember the other guy is probably a sweaty nerd who cares way more than you do.

      • @DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
        118 months ago

        The worst part is the pedants aren’t even right most of the time. I’ve seen so many people complaining about perfectly acceptable sentence structure.

        I tell myself they’re just younger folks that have been failed by their schools, but then I get sad that they’re younger folks that have been failed by their schools.

      • @datavoid
        68 months ago

        Let’s be honest - we’re all sweaty nerds here

        • @Chunk@lemmy.world
          68 months ago

          I actually have a sweating disorder where I sweat all day. I’m also a software engineer.

          I finally feel like I belong.

    • @foofiepie@lemmy.world
      298 months ago

      Ditto. No issues with Lemmy here. I mean, there were a couple of annoying communities (to me anyway) but it was easy to block them.

      Generally I’ve not noticed any toxic behaviour otherwise. At all.

      In fact I was somewhat taken aback at the quality of responses to my last post. It’s going to take me days to research all the options and advice I was given. And from what I could see, most if not all the comments were informative and interesting.

      The signal to noise ratio here is excellent, even if the numbers of comments etc are lower.

      • @stolid_agnostic
        28 months ago

        The only toxic I got was when I accidental posted in a conservative thread without realizing what it was. Basically like /r/conservative. Fortunately I was able to block the instance and move on.

        • @Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          48 months ago

          “sentence fragment”

          “‘sentence fragment’ is also a sentence fragment.”

          “must conserve battery power”

          closes eyes

        • El Barto
          8 months ago

          It’s not a sentence. Checkmate!

          (I upvoted you.)

      • @ALoafOfBread
        38 months ago

        Big oof. Corrected, to my great and utter shame. I am debased before you, o grammar sage!

  • Ech
    1268 months ago

    Lotta people coming here from Reddit expecting 1:1 replacement, and then get pissy that the 2 man dev team that’s just trying to keep up with this sudden burst in activity isn’t at parity with the multi-million dollar company that’s been developing their site for almost 2 decades.

    Honestly, I’m just tired of the constant comparison. Lemmy can be it’s own thing. It’s a work in progress and it has a lot of promise, but for anyone looking for their reddit experience, there’s really only one place to get that.

      • @underisk
        338 months ago

        It’s an open source project. It has no investors driving it toward user hostile profit seeking which is the primary force behind enshittification. A large user base doesn’t cause it, merely triggers it where the cause is already present.

          • @Moneo@lemmy.world
            138 months ago

            Enshitified is the wrong word imo. Reddit went downhill long before the API changes. Most popular subreddits were filled with karma farming bots spamming the same shit over and over.

            By the end I only used reddit for news and niche hobbies.

            • Ech
              48 months ago

              “Enshittification” is the wrong word for everything. It is both often used incorrectly for what it means, and doesn’t even represent what it means well. People just like it because it has the word shit in it. It’s a bad term and I can’t wait for it to fall into obscurity.

          • Kayn
            08 months ago

            Then tell us how it would happen. You seem to know for sure it’s not impossible.

          • Kayn
            08 months ago

            Then why aren’t you setting up your own instance? You do have the option.

              • Kayn
                -28 months ago

                What you said is right, so what? Is your only course of action going to be to loudly moan about it, on an instance whose admins can also be bribed or get greedy as you say?

                • @pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                  8 months ago

                  I don’t have to take action on a fact to have the right to state it.

                  You might not like the fact that Lemmy admins are just as susceptible to corruption as everyone else, but no one is going to stop saying it simply because you don’t want to hear it. And you can’t bully us into being quiet about it, either.

  • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
    1258 months ago

    Say we’re going to leave Reddit if the API changes go through

    Actually leave Reddit

    Refuse to elaborate

    Get called toxic by the people who chose to stay

    • @Z3k3@lemmy.world
      388 months ago

      Honestly glad I left. For now at least when I see that new message number I’m not terrified of what I’ll find inside

    • @sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
      148 months ago

      Yup, I haven’t even bothered deleting my account. I’ll get to it eventually, but I just don’t go to Reddit anymore. I’ve been hereb since the API announcement (didn’t wait for it to take effect), and I’ve been reasonably happy here.

      I will say that lemmy seems a bit more leftist than Reddit, at least in the communities I visit. On Reddit, you’ll get Bernie bros and whatnot, whereas on lemmy there’s a lot of literal socialists/communists. But at least there are fewer far right folks baiting people into one sided debates. I find the socialists and communists easier to detect, so I think lemmy so far wins.

      Lemmy isn’t perfect, but it at least doesn’t have ads and I can use why client I want, or build my own. So I’ll stay until I find or build something better (I’m working on an experimental, distributed link aggregator).

      • @RealFknNito@lemmy.world
        48 months ago

        I’m a bit of a Bernie bro but some of the communities on here aren’t just left but like extreme left which is… different for sure. They’re at least more tolerable than the “We support free speech but not leftist speech” Republicans and the communities that are too much I can just block and never interact with. While I’m sure I’d still enjoy Reddit if I logged on or went back to the subs I used to be on, I refuse out of principle. I even feel gross when I need to visit subs to get niche tech answers. I won’t ever trust Reddit again and we’ve got some solid meme communities here. It does enough for what it is, I only hope we grow as Reddit continues to burn.

        • @sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
          68 months ago

          Yup, agreed on most counts.

          I consider myself a left leaning libertarian, and I generally feel more welcomed here than on Reddit. I still get lots of down votes for mentioning libertarianism (apparently that’s associated with facism somehow? Not my fault right wing nutjobs tried to steal the term), but I at least get decent discussion about actual policies, especially when I’m left of both major parties. That was a bit more rare on Reddit.

          But even if lemmy was actually way worse than Reddit, I’m not going back, that bridge has been burned. If I ever needed to leave lemmy, I would pour more time into my decentralized link aggregator project.

      • @Jumuta@sh.itjust.works
        28 months ago

        if you’re deleting your Reddit account, you should make your past content all garbage by using Powerdeletesuite

        • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
          18 months ago

          A ton of the info on Reddit is still relevant.

          Imagine if all the people who solved niche problems did this. All the information and knowledge they dispersed was deleted because of a grudge against a platform.

          That would suck so badly.

          So no, I don’t think I will.

    • @slaacaa@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Same, I haven’t logged in since Apollo shut down. I occasionally check my small country’s sub through browser, as it’s not active enough on lemmy, but that’s it. I’m super happy with lemmy.

  • @thoro
    8 months ago

    "I don’t like Reddit.

    Its interface is ugly as sin. There are fewer users there and they’re all pretentious, extremely liberal, and anti American."

    -Some Digg user circa 2008/2009 (probably)

      • @corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
        278 months ago

        One day I will wake up, realize ‘based’ went the way of ‘tubular’ and probably still not have an objective definition.

        • @pixelscript
          168 months ago

          “Tubular” I can at least trace where it came from. It’s surfer lingo. Sometimes when you catch a wave, the wave crests all the way over you and encloses into a tube. Surfing through that is supposedly the most euphoric thing about the sport. “Tubular” is thus “anything that makes you feel the way a surfer surfing through a tube-shaped wave feels”. Thrill, wonder, excitement, etc.

          I have no idea where tf “based” came from. Wiktionary suggests that it ultimately comes from the chemical definition of “base” (i.e. the opposite of an acid). “Freebasing” is a way of converting certain drugs, particularly cocaine, into smokable form by converting them from acid to base. Rapper Lil B. is alleged to have coined “based” to describe his lifestyle as someone who is unafraid to be himself as an individual (which, I guess, included smoking crack). This supposedly filtered into 4chan to become an alt-right slogan for “admirable person who bravely maintains alt-right opinions in spite of adversity” (“based and redpilled”), and later was claimed by groups outside the alt-right to simply mean, “someone with admirable opinions”.

          • @Jakeroxs@sh.itjust.works
            58 months ago

            It definitely started gaining traction from based god lil b lol

            I think the funniest part about it is how obviously over the top and ridiculous lil b would be, then yeah the alt right tried to take it over but now it’s basically back to the lil b style meaning.

    • DoiDoi [comrade/them, he/him]
      8 months ago

      Pretentious and extremely liberal still fit perfectly for reddit today. They definitely aren’t anti-american though. They have an unquestioning bloodlust for every US state department adversary

      • @Ilovethebomb
        28 months ago

        They have an unquestioning bloodlust for every US state department adversary.

        Meaning Russia and China, I assume?

  • Margot Robbie
    948 months ago

    The only times I’ve seen toxicity like this is ironically whenever there is a big wave of reddit user influx, things usually settle down for a while as they adapt to the cultures here (or get banned), it’s not as much of an Eternal September as much as it is a Irregularly Scheduled September.

    Most of the active comms here are smaller but better quality than their subreddit equivalent. You even get good discussions here on memes sometimes. (Politics and News here still could be better, though.)

    For someone who’s been very unhappy with the state of social media for quite a while, Lemmy is a breath of fresh air, even though there are definitely growing pains.

  • @lorty
    918 months ago

    I’d rather deal with this supposedly “toxic” lemmy userbase than sift through a thousand comment post where 900 are bot reposts on reddit

  • @Thrillhouse@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    This feels like it was written by someone who has never been on Lemmy because that has not been my experience at all.

    Reddit is fucking full of bots astroturfing right wing political nonsense and we’re not getting that on Lemmy because those instances are often defederated.

    Or, you know, he’s one of those guys who signed up for world when he should have gone to exploding heads.

    • Magnor
      258 months ago

      This. I have much more quality discussions here than I ever did on Reddit. Not sure wtf they are on about.

    • @li10@feddit.uk
      198 months ago

      I’d say it’s roughly my experience with Lemmy as well tbh.

      There are some good discussions to be had here, but I don’t think they’re necessarily wrong about the issues, just a bit overblown.

      I think Reddit’s far worse in general though. I think it’s gotten particularly worse over the past few years, it’s almost Facebook levels of people looking at stuff just to make themselves angry.

      Half of the /all feed is about obnoxious people and fights these days.

      • @Thrillhouse@lemmy.world
        158 months ago

        The r/Canada subreddit was taken over by far right wing mods and astroturfed to all hell with Conservative nonsense and Convoy support. I found myself speaking up more and more there because it was full of homophobic, racist antivaxxers and that is not an exaggeration.

      • Magnor
        8 months ago

        ~~I don’t see those fights you speak of, maybe I managed to avoid them ? Genuinely curious. ~~

        Edit: I am a moron and cannot read. Thought the poster above was talking about Lemmy…

        • @li10@feddit.uk
          78 months ago

          Half was a ridiculous over exaggeration, but I see so much /r/crazyfuckingvideos and /r/fightporn, /r/imthemaincharacter is another awful subreddit.

          Recently people were getting whipped up about that YouTube prankster who got shot, it was posted a ridiculous number of times.

          • Magnor
            68 months ago

            I am sorry I misread your post and thought you talked about lemmy… Haven’t been to Reddit in ages…

            Nevermind my question then.

    • ijeff
      8 months ago

      It can also depend on the time of day if browsing All or which communities you’re in. Lemmy does have a lot of folks who were banned from various subreddits, but they’re a minority.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker
      -228 months ago

      Reddit worships NATO and Ukraine. Zelensky last year paid homage to a dead Nazi, and last month with Canada paid homage to another dead Nazi. They simp and thirst for blood so much, that last year there was a post of snowfall picture in Moscow. There were over 400 comments, with about 380 of them removed for asking for nuclear radioactive rain, Holocaust, nukes, genocide, famine and what not.

      Anything to the left of supporting Ukraine/NATO is left wing communist narrative to predditors. Their demographics is over 80% US+Canada+WesternEurope.

      • Андрей Быдло
        88 months ago

        Reddit is shit, no question, but what’s to the left of supporting Ukraine/NATO in this conflict in your opinion? Supporting Russia? Or something in the middle?

        • Neshura
          -18 months ago

          You’re thinking to small. The omega galaxy brain move here is supporting Madagaskar.

          imagine 300 page conspiracy theory on how the war in Ukraine is benefiting Madagaskar and how all of this is just one step in a ploy to turn every country into a territory of the new Madagaskan Empire

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          -148 months ago

          Supporting Russia/China/BRICS. Acknowledging the fact that USA is a far more censorship laced country than Russia or China are. Acknowledging Ukraine is a Nazi militia proxy for USA’s war against Russia. Acknowledging that rest of the world will benefit from, and wants to crush the “white man’s burden” supremacist trope.

          There are two sides to censorship – one being the obvious one that certain content is harder to access (China/Russia), and the other being not so obvious that people are deluded to think they have access to everything, but everything is manipulated and controlled before it exists for access (Anglosphere countries).

          • Андрей Быдло
            8 months ago

            As a russian native I don’t think you get the point. Let’s me speak it like no translator can replicate it.

            Тебе, бляди (то есть, шлюхе), снаружи удобно выбирать коняшек в этих скачках в безопасности загнивающего капитализма, и мечтать о коммунизме с нефритовым хуем сзади, да по гланды, и ты почему-то охуенно так сильно игнорируешь, что ты отвергаешь одну центро-правую повестку чтобы подрочить свою бибу на открытую фашню, которая прямо заявляет об уничтожении людей по национальному признаку. Никаких тайных уйгуров, всё открыто, всё домтупно для тебя, слепошара. И люди, сука, гибнут. И они продолжат гибнуть пока фашистская пидрастическая гнида не подавится. И ты зовёшь себя леваком, поддерживая это?

            Sorry for going too personal tho. That’s not what you are used to. I’m just tired of these arguments.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker
              -98 months ago

              Тебе, бляди (то есть, шлюхе), снаружи удобно выбирать коняшек в этих скачках в безопасности загнивающего капитализма, и мечтать о коммунизме с нефритовым хуем сзади, да по гланды, и ты почему-то охуенно так сильно игнорируешь, что ты отвергаешь одну центро-правую повестку чтобы подрочить свою бибу на открытую фашню, которая прямо заявляет об уничтожении людей по национальному признаку. Никаких тайных уйгуров, всё открыто, всё домтупно для тебя, слепошара. И люди, сука, гибнут. И они продолжат гибнуть пока фашистская пидрастическая гнида не подавится. И ты зовёшь себя леваком, поддерживая это?

              You, a removed (that is, a removed), it’s convenient for you outside to choose horses in these races in the safety of decaying capitalism, and dream of communism with a jade dick from behind, and on the tonsils, and for some reason you fucking ignore so much that you reject one center-right agenda to jerk off your biba to an open fash, which directly declares the destruction of people on a national basis. No secret Uighurs, everything is open, everything is available to you, blind man. And people are fucking dying. And they will continue to die until the fascist pederastic nit chokes. And you call yourself a leftist, supporting this?

              Nice amount of slurs. Let me guess, you support Navalny?

              Pinging @yogthos@lemmy.ml to check this one out.

              • Андрей Быдло
                58 months ago

                Hello, internet person. Why did you assume I support Navalny of all people? And which of my slur, a part of our usual local banter, offended you? Your google translate could’ve failed you big time.

                I assume you don’t even understand what’s going there on a local grassroots level. But you can prove me wrong. Bonus points if you say what was wrong or right with Navalny in the early 10s. It feels you have a very particular vision on this person.

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                  -88 months ago

                  Not exactly, they can read Russian and are remarkably intelligent geopolitically with a good moral compass. Is that an issue for you?

  • @ubermeisters@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    100% agree. I’m literally only here because I can’t tolerate Reddit anymore and I’m addicted to having some bullshit to read on my phone.

    This isn’t a great website guys sorry. I don’t have a better option, and I dont have suggestions on how to make it better. You can’t. It’s a society issue, not a tech or gui issues. I’m not sure I can think of a single website that I enjoy visiting anymore. I’m addicted; it’s a habit I’m trying to break slowly.

    Lemmy has just enough engagement so that I don’t feel like I’m browsing a cemetery, and it’s my methadone currently for my dwindling reddit addiction.

    And before you try to tell me this isn’t just another toxic shithole, last time I expressed this sentiment, several users messaged me to let me know I didn’t need to be alive if I chose to go that route. I don’t even care. I expect it everywhere online now. But it speaks volumes about how fucked up the internet has made us all.

    Yes, I’m gonna go touch some grass, and no, you arent gonna talk me into walking off a tall ledge, so don’t waste your breath please. I only logged in to make this comment so if someone else out there feels the same way, they don’t feel like such a out of place wierdo. How toxic has the internet become when I can’t even feel free to be a little bit vulnerable like this without this disclaimer? Is this the experience you wanted?

    Disclaimer: I’m a shithead too, and I’m 100% positive I’ve been a cunt to people here without good cause before as well. Not claiming to be a great user 100% of the time, I’m human, and flawed also, and not all of my ideologies are yours.

    Also: there’s like 2 topics on this entire fucking platform, and the mods are just as power hungry without any actual accountability at all.

  • @golden_zealot
    658 months ago

    Lol, the user doesn’t seem to realize that if everywhere you go and comment, if absolutely everyone is an asshole, then maybe it’s you that’s the problem…

  • @Koffiato
    618 months ago

    Guy is hundred percent right. Lemmy is a echo chamber for a certain demographic as vast majority of users are in it.

    We either have tech, or politics. Literally every topic ends up in either. We also don’t have the differing opinions aspect as just about every debater talks like they’re just the different shade of the same color.

    Even spicy news that would make any other site a warzone of opinions just echo chambered here. Literally everyone agrees on one conclusion and random two comments that disagree with that having at least -15 points.

  • booty [he/him]
    458 months ago

    Seems like this person’s main problem is that they went to lemmy.world, which does basically seem like a collection of all the worst redditors.

    • Mario_Dies.wav
      328 months ago

      I’d say a lot of users, perhaps even most, on lemmy.world are just fine, but I’ve seen some wildly bad behavior from their mods (e.g., one of their politics mod making a mod-flaired comment about how “The United States is not a racist nation,” like what)

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        (e.g., one of their politics mod making a mod-flaired comment about how “The United States is not a racist nation,”

        Lmao what? The heart of the global empire is somehow not racist now, despite all the evidence to the contrary? After all the police killings of unarmed black men, how can anyone believe that?

        • Mario_Dies.wav
          138 months ago

          Probably the same type of person who’d complain about reddit being too “left leaning.” We’re not talking about people with a reasonable or healthy array of takes.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        128 months ago

        Deploying Cloudflare as a “temporary” measure, only to never remove it, makes me pissed. Cloudflare was originally Project Honeypot that aligns with NSA’s job.

      • @HornyOnMain@hexbear.net
        98 months ago

        one of their politics mod making a mod-flaired comment about how “The United States is not a racist nation,”

        ngl incredibly glad we’re not federated with those guys

  • The Giant Korean
    8 months ago

    I mean, is it? Because I’ve found it to be an overall better experience so far. Am I just not going to the right instances/communities? I mean, I get that there are some fucked up places in the Fediverse, but I haven’t been actively looking for them, and I haven’t accidentally stumbled across anything so far.

  • @Anonymousllama@lemmy.world
    408 months ago

    I miss the random non tech centric communities from Reddit. The userbase here, across the fediverse as a whole gravitates towards more tech focused aspects and while that’s fine, you miss out on the random topics / subreddits you’d find on Reddit.

    (The answer isn’t also ‘just start that community here’, specially I miss randomly getting topics from subjects I wouldn’t even search for, but just get surfaced because of the shear amount of content and users Reddit has)

    • @Icaria@lemmy.world
      138 months ago

      Maybe I’m just weird but I think the tech focus is better.

      Like that’s where all this started. Kevin Rose wanted a better version of Slashdot, a tech news aggregator, so he created Digg.

      And Digg was about tech news for several years before going to a general format, at which point it became trash.

      And then Digg’s redesign killed the site and everyone flocked to a Digg clone called reddit, even though reddit was a clone of post-shittification Digg, not pre-shittification Digg.

      Being tech-focussed really does help. I’d sooner deal with Well Actually neckbeards than the average Facebook user, even if I’m not just interested in tech news.

    • @trailing9
      48 months ago

      Check the top hour filter of all instances. That’s where other content surfaces.