booty [he/him]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • booty [he/him]@hexbear.nettomain@hexbear.netmain
    11 hours ago

    I do think the floating mountain behind the logo above two regular mountains behind the logo is kinda unfixable AI-ism. Like you could just paint over the mountain and all its yellow glow line things with blue sky but at that point you’re turning it into a different image entirely and it would probably look really boring

  • You have no idea what the person who donated that was thinking.

    It doesn’t matter what the person who donated the $4000 was thinking, the money could have literally appeared from thin air and nothing relevant to us here on this comm would change. It doesn’t matter where the money came from or what the person intended. It wasn’t their money anymore. It was the money of the person who requested donations, and they could do with it whatever they wanted. What we’re trying to do here is convince that person to change the way they spend their money so that they don’t end up dead in a ditch or a drug den within the next few years. Because that would be a bad outcome and we’d prefer to see a better outcome for our comrades.

  • or otherwise supposedly “pissing it all away” on luxuries anyone more rich and privileged would rarely if ever be judged for buying, even and especially here

    The point is, it doesn’t matter if you take the money and spend it on drugs. If you’re addicted to drugs, drugs are a basic need. You have to have some amount of them while you’re getting off of them, even if that’s your plan. And if it’s not, I really don’t care except insofar as it keeps you from finding housing and handling your other basic needs.

    The problem is not buying drugs with donated money. The problem is failing to take any measures to meet basic needs with the money. To take a $4000 donation and then spend it all on ??? and not use any of it to secure shelter, or food, or other basic needs is a problem. And it’s a problem that cannot be solved by receiving more donated money. Maybe if they got the attention of a billionaire who could give them $50k, then they could satisfy all of their desire to spend money on ??? and still have some left over to spend on food and shelter. But since none of us are billionaires, we simply cannot fill this pit with money alone. If we here on /c/mutual_aid truly want to help the user in question, all we can do is try to convince them to change the way that they are handling what money they do acquire.

    We’re not mad that money we gave is being spent on stuff we don’t prefer, we’re not mad at the user in question at all. We’re trying to get through to the user in question that this path they’re walking leads only to an early death and that matters to us because all we want is for our comrades to be safe and healthy.

  • I watched the entire thing, and then when I went online to talk about how disappointed I was about how awful it was I got so much copium in my replies that I was like “did I really miss something?” So I went back and tried to rewatch it.

    I got about halfway through episode 2 of the rewatch before I was like “no, this is absolute garbage, how are people lying to themselves about this?”