TILvids is a video community focused on edutainment content. The goal is to deliver interesting videos that you might not otherwise see. Some other important information:

We do not have video ads, but are funded by donations.

We put a heavy emphasis on respecting the data privacy of our users, and building a healthy relationship with content creators.

The site runs on the fantastic open-source PeerTube ecosystem.

Feel free to join our community to receive daily “TILvids video of the day” posts, or to ask questions and contribute!


  • @Sensei
    73 years ago

    Love TILvids, I’ve been binge watching their back catalogue

  • lemminur
    59 months ago

    Yeah. A lot of linux content is there. I admire it!

  • Justin
    9 months ago

    Nebula is also a good video hosting “co-op” for these genre of videos, though it’s paid subscription-only.

    I believe creators are paid both subscription revenue (a la sportify or youtube premium), as well as shares in the company when users watch their videos.

    Founded by creators, for creators, with no VC funding. https://youtu.be/Alqt6RCEWdM

  • @SirLotsaLocks
    43 years ago

    Yeah I agree with @Sensei@lemmy.ml it’s really good. The owner has been running it and getting people to use it as their official peertube channel for a good bit now and its really paying off. They also have Pine64 using it as their main instance too.