








Tagging those from last time.

Discussion questions (but you can discuss anything):

  1. What are your favorite Nintendo games?

  2. What are your favorite Xbox/Sony games?

  3. What are your favorite third-party games?

That’s all.

Also, shameless plug-in for a Discord server that me, BayArea415, and some good friends created:


    • @DerPapa69
      22 years ago

      Can you run Switch emulation on your phone?

      I recently went on a long trip too and downloaded dozens of SNES, GBA, Genesis and PSX games to play on my home-brewed Switch. If your interested in those too, I could post a list of the best ones

      • @holdengreen@lemmygrad.ml
        12 years ago

        That would be cool. I’ll be out of LTE range soon but last night I got some good 3DS and GBA games from ziperto. Including Project Mirai and Pokémon Crystal which I’m excited about…

        The Skyline emulator apparently needs you to get keys from your switch so thats not gonna work rn.

  • @JoetheDilo1917@lemmygrad.ml
    52 years ago

    I’ve started playing Subnautica again after some time, it’s still a pretty cool experience imho.

    As for prompts…

    1. I don’t think I’ve ever played an actual Nintendo game (aside from maybe a Flash remake of the original Mario game,) but I’ve got to say my favorite game I’ve played on any Nintendo console was the DSi port of Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. Speaking of which, I was never able to beat the console version of that game, since I was a fairly young kid and couldn’t figure out the Kraken boss fight.
    2. This is more my “area of expertise,” so to speak. My favorites have gotta be CoD: World at War, Borderlands 2, or for a more recent example, Jurassic World Evolution. World at War is arguably the best Call of Duty game of all time, and is definitely my personal favorite. I haven’t played Borderlands 2 in a while, but I remember it having pretty good gunplay and a decent story. JWE is just an all-round fairly good game, probably helps that I already liked Cities: Skylines and that I’m a huge paleo nerd. I’ve kind of been wanting to try the sequel, but I’ve heard it’s rather prone to glitches.
    3. I don’t believe I’ve played many 3rd Party/Indie games, but 2:22 AM is certainly… something? Not entirely sure. I’d play it if I was you. As for not (completely) strange games, Russian Fishing 4 is pretty decent, though you may have severe framerate issues on higher-than-minimum graphics settings.
  • Bury The Right
    42 years ago
    1. I only played a few nintendo games which were way back in the day. It’d give my favorite Nintendo game to Yoshi’s Island, seeing that scene with Big Baby Bowser certainly made a memorable impression on 4-5 year old me.

    2. Never played much Xbox, I was a playstation loyalist for the most part until I started playing on PC. My favorite Sony published that I can think of were Twisted Metal Black, Resistance: Fall of Man, and The Last of Us 1.

    3. Hmmm that’s a lot to choose from, Honkai Impact first off as my pfp would suggest, the part where Mei has to “join the darkside” by becoming a Herrscher and part ways with the main protagonist Kiana was some good emotional shit. Metal Gear Solid 1-4 + Peace Walker and Revengeance are all god tier which I’m sure everyone here would agree, didn’t care much for 5 myself personally though. Lately I’ve been playing this VN called Steins Gate which is absolutely deep and thought provoking, the only downside is that it gets lib at a couple of specific points but luckily it’s nothing too over-arching to the story.

  • @Honyopenyoko@lemmygrad.ml
    42 years ago

    I’ve been playing a game called Cult of the Lamb religiously for the past couple of days, it’s a fantastic indie game with fantastically cute graphics that released recently that mixes some Don’t Starve-esque graphics with fun ARPG dungeon crawling and base building. Plus, as the name implies, you get to start a cult.

    I haven’t played all too many console games, but I do happen to have really enjoyed Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey (as most people did) when I played them and I’m anticipating BOTW’s sequel.

    If I had to mention two favourites of mine it would be VA-11 Hall-A and Disco Elysium, both fantastic narrative games with lots of dialogue.

  • PurpleHatsOnCats
    42 years ago

    I’ve been playing some terraria on expert mode, it’s wayyy harder then normal difficulty. It’s also pretty fun though, really the only thing getting me through life rn.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    42 years ago

    Been playing a bit of Xcom 2 recently, I like the international aspect of the game and the leveling up system is pretty cool, each character becomes a specialist in one way or another, some for medical care, some for explosives some for snipers. It’s a grind, so once you get into it, you basically want to play until you beat it with minimal breaks

  • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    There’s a lot in here, sorry. I recently completed Final Fantasy XV. It touched a nerve, and this thread coincides with this sacrament.

    I’m wondering whether to complete the post game content and the DLC or move on to something else. It’s a strange game. It has a classic FF feel to it most of the time, but it also has a lot of new ideas built in.

    FFXV Story

    Many of those new ideas are poorly executed, unfortunately. As is the main story. There are far too many plot holes and the story does not make sense one chapter to the next.

    It feels like a first draft. Like the creators sat down with a story board, mapped out the main plot points, and decided which components from previous games to build in to give it the FF-feel, then sent the whole thing off to the graphics and music teams.

    When they saw how much the first designs cost to produce, the producers said, ‘shit, that’s our budget gone, we better tie this together into something that looks like a coherent game’.

    Alternatively, the finished product is just a reflection of what all games eventually become when the contradictions of capitalism shine through the cracks.

    It’s relatively short, with loads of post game content. But what’s the point of the post game content? It would be much better built into the main game.

    I completed most of side quests (they’re mostly fetch quests) and got all but four trophies in one run. The missing four will be easy to achieve.

    One involves literally walking to reach a number of steps. The other involves sleeping at camps. The underlying skills just have to be grinded out. The third skill involves, I suspect, completing the post game content, which seems to me to be grinding through increasingly difficult boss battles and getting to level 99. The fourth trophy is for getting all the others.

    I know that most games involve trophies of this kind, which just take a lot of time and aren’t particularly difficult to achieve. (And FF is known for boss battles that take ages just because the boys has lots of HP.) But it seems a bit weak to let players achieve these after they’ve completed the main story just to claim that there’s loads of post game content.

    There are loads of Easter eggs, but they don’t lead anywhere. In past FFs, talking to so many moogles, playing the mini games, or riding / racing / breeding chocobos led to unlocking rare spells, summons, and ultimate weapons, etc. If that’s true of FFXV, I’ve completely missed it. So all these different parts of the game feel disconnected.


    To answer the other questions (briefly-ish, as a reward for reading my rant):

    1. Pokémon Red and Blue. These games are so nostalgic for me.

    2. Final Fantasy VII. The original. That story was /is incredible.

    Video game graphics did not have to progress past what they were in FFVII, if the studios focused on the stories. All developments since this game, it seems to me, have largely preferred to focus on surface level details, hyping up what is possible on the ‘next gen console’. What a waste. Damn you, capitalism.

    I have no interest in playing the remake because I will not reward a game studio for such laziness if I can help it. Apparently it’s not a full remake, but only, more or less, disc one of the original story. As if I’m going to give you money after a decade of hype about remaking a classic game and you only bother to make a trailer of the original. If anyone tells me that I’ve been misinformed and it is the full game, I might reconsider my position.

    1. Summoner, the first one, for PS2. The second one was good, too.
  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    2 years ago
    1. I wish I could play BOTW for the first time again.

    2. Halo, its libshit, but I like da pew pew

    3. I like Sea of Thieves

    1. Nintendo-wise probably the Castlevania/Contra games on NES/SNES
    2. Halo CE on Xbox had a nice campaign and fun split screen with friends
    3. Bethesda/Bioware RPGs
  • FossilPoet
    2 years ago

    I desperately have been trying to make myself sit down and play Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which I got for Christmas. I take forever to start things.

    I have a Pixelmon server I’ve been running for friends I didn’t get to touch the last week because out of town.

    Speaking of which, being out of town driving made me really want to get into my semiannual obsession with Cities: Skylines. Highways always get me back into the game because transit is easily my biggest sticking point late game.

    1. The Wars series, desperately been waiting for Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp’s release announcement to make up for the indefinite delay due to Ukraine. I also like Animal Crossing for the first few months after it comes out before it becomes a chore and The Legend of Zelda because duh (but favorites are Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild). I have FFXII, another favorite, on the Switch as well, but also have the original collector’s edition PS2 version.

    2. I got a copy of Metropolismania, a little known simulator game, for the PS2 for Christmas because I loved it as a kid. Also got Tribes: Aerial Assault, which is quite possibly the best entry in the series and one which brings back fond memories of couch co-op. My favorite entries on PS2 though are the Dark Cloud games. For Xbox, I really can’t think of any exclusives that stick out.

    3. Third party would be admitting I reluctantly love Bethesda games. I tried to go back and play BioWare’s games because I said the same, but they just don’t hold up prior to Dragon Age in my opinion. I have a huge obsession with strategy and simulators though, so nearly any entry in those genres would also count.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      22 years ago

      For me, when it comes to video games:

      Starting a video game or a play session is hard for me. When I start playing, it’s easy though.