it has 129 posts so I’m going to reopen it. if someone wants to take over as mod please let me know

  • @gaz
    24 years ago

    Seems like the only 2 contributors of this community were banned. Of all political nutcase communities on lemmy it’s the /c/web “show and discuss interesting web projects” that broke the admins huh?

    • @ajz
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @mishuri
        44 years ago

        I think they meant strong auth-left community here on this instance, like /c/socialism maybe?

          • @mishuri
            34 years ago

            You might want to freshen up your political compass 😅

            • @SirLotsaLocks
              -14 years ago

              The political compass is a joke, and still even in the confines of the compass socialism is libleft more than anything.

      • @gaz
        24 years ago

        It’s hard to deny that Lemmy contains a lot of fringe communities. Just take a look at community list. Even recently banned reddit community chapo house migrated to lemmy so it definitely paints a picture.

    • @forgotmylastusername
      4 years ago

      The banned user was trying to transplant standard operating procedure of a reddit troll account onto this platform. Basically you blitz the site with generic content. This fills 99% of your post history. It creates a noise floor. The 1% of posts are your signal. The actual message you’re trying to inject into conversations.

      A result is that we get comments like the above. At a glance people only see the noise floor. Totally harmless looking user right? Now whos gonna spam generic links accross every community. Anyone of us could create a scraper bot to accomplish that anyways.

      • @mishuri
        4 years ago

        I think you’re way overthinking how much effort people are willing to go through for some obscure social network with 50 people on it.

        Also it’s pretty easy to read history here on lemmy. Nothing is hidden and web pages load fast.

        • @forgotmylastusername
          04 years ago

          These sorts of power user accounts are blatantly obvious on reddit too. The average user doesn’t care.

    • @work_at_google
      4 years ago

      Honestly, this is really not looking good for this instance.

      The main contributor seems has been banned for saying [1]:

      Both Nazism as Communism brought misery to this world. It would be better if they never existed at all.

      The other guy got banned for finding /c/accelerationism which apparently lemmy admins are not fan of as a philosophy.

      I guess a lesson is: if you want to admin a community on lemmy don’t get involved in any sort of politics or philosophy or get an alternative account, which isn’t hard since you don’t need an email though there’s no account switcher extension or anything like there’s on reddit.

      Actually this led me to a bit of a rabbit hole. There’s Lemmy’s fork called Lenny[2] as a protest against Lemmy’s administration.

      I came here from hacker news expecting this to be a small foss communication oriented reddit but that doesn’t seem to be the case unfortunately. Maybe when there’s federation?

      1 -
      2 -

      • @ksynwa
        54 years ago

        If there is a problem with the administration, is there a need for a fork? Can’t someone just start another instance and administer it in their own manner? AFAIK the fork is just there because people lose their minds over the slur filter.

        The other guy got banned for finding /c/accelerationism which apparently lemmy admins are not fan of as a philosophy.

        Are you sure it was only this? The modlog shows wraptile banning people for disagreeing with them and creating a toxic environment. In the past, I have seen them attack someone and call them ‘fascist’ for a banal comment.

        • @work_at_google
          4 years ago

          If there is a problem with the administration, is there a need for a fork?

          dunno, but it seems to be the only way to remove unwanted code? (e.g. slur filter)
          Being unsatisfied with current maintainers is kinda the whole point of forks, isn’t it?

          Also the github issue tracker seems rough and the lenny fork seems to be more open in that regard.

          Are you sure it was only this? The modlog shows wraptile banning people for disagreeing with them and creating a toxic environment. In the past, I have seen them attack someone and call them ‘fascist’ for a banal comment.

          I just went through the whole /c/accelerationism log and the guy definitely didn’t deserve the ban. The community was pretty much brigaded by people who don’t like the concept and the post that broke the camels back was literally saying “the creator has bad ideas” 😬

          This is the comment for which they have been for removing for and banning the person from the community. Further it looks like to comment’s creator was so embarrassed by this comment that they have removed it themselves!

          I’m totally on the wreptile’s side here, dude totally got bullied off the platform :D

          And for Pazerfaust that’s even more black and white. Dude got publically labeled a nazi for comparing communism to fascism, ouch.

          • @ksynwa
            34 years ago

            The whole purpose of that fork seems to be removal of the slur filter. I am sorry if you feel oppressed by being unable to use slurs in your posts. What is so good about their issue tracker? It seems completely empty, both on Github and the My Little Pony themed gitea instance.

            • @work_at_google
              -34 years ago

              to be fair, hard-coded slur filter is extremely childish. What if you want to launch a non-english instance and english slur filter is catching false positives? e.g. you cannot say the word “late” in french with this filter.

              Why is it even there if it can be avoided by a dot in the middle of the word? Is lemmy for toddlers or something?

              • @ksynwa
                54 years ago

                It’s there to dissuade alt-right communities from using Lemmy. Seems to work too because they lose their minds over supposed free speech impediments. I don’t think the devs expect it to be an ultimate solution to a slur-free utopia.

                As for edge cases with non-English languages, that issue has been raised on Github before and has been fixed.

                • @work_at_google
                  -24 years ago

                  Seems to work too because they lose their minds over supposed free speech impediments.

                  I highly doubt it has any sort of an effect. I mean you can get around it with a dot or a synonym or whatever. There’s a reason “slur filters” aren’t a thing — because they don’t work. Even club penguin couldn’t work it out with 5 year olds and had to have live admins anyways.

          • @ajz
            2 years ago

            deleted by creator

      • @mishuri
        4 years ago

        wow, not sure why are you being down-voted. I too came here from a hacker news thread though honestly it seems every reddit clone is destined to shitty moderation. If nobody wants you on heavily centrist reddit then it’s highly likely you’re an extremist of some sort.

        On the bright side, at least low score comments aren’t hidden here and modlog is a brilliant idea though not a new one.

  • MayaOPM
    24 years ago

    anddd it may take me a second to find the button for that