By that I mean if you’ve changed in any way, whether that be you’re more sensitive to the plights of others, or you’ve learned to cook more since becoming vegan, etc. I imagine veganism sort of has a cascading effect on people and want to hear about the effects it’s had on some of y’all.

  • @uwohjai6F
    54 years ago

    Made me cook more, since almost all easy to grab meals seem to be just vegetarian at best. And it made me care more about health, whole foods, taking vitamins and quitting alcohol. Also it made me care less about some human issues.

  • @Seitanic_Hummusexual
    44 years ago

    I think I went vegan because I was empathetic not the other way around.

    It did make me stand up more for my opinions, though. I used to be an “to each their own” kinda person (except towards racists and stuff) but now I openly discuss opinions and behavior of friends and family that I don’t agree with and that is a good thing.

    Also, going vegan made me more of an environmentalist. I became zerowaste as I realized how intertwined it is with veganism. That in turn made me cook all my food myself which made me really independent from capitalistic corporations. So I’d say veganism also made me more anti-capitalistic in my actions.

    Realizing how easily my daily actions and consumerist decisions could protect animals’ rights also showed me how much power I had protecting human rights. I chose to only buy used clothing, buy fairtrade foods whenever I can and generally try to only buy unused products if they were ethically produced.

    Tdlr: I stand up more for my opinions now, am more environmentalist and less capitalist / more anti-consumption

  • @k_o_tM
    4 years ago

    made me morally superior to other people

    also now i have B12 deficiency as well as vitamin A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z deficiency

    also there’s literally zero iron and protein in my blood now

  • @nickx720
    44 years ago

    Would say it made me more empathetic. Having been through a militant atheist phase and mellowing out , I decided to be a laid back vegan. It has made me appreciate nature and life in general much more. I feel more connected to the living consciousness if there is such a thing.