• DessalinesOPA
    124 years ago

    I did a lot this week, but the main things are:

    • Added markdown buttons
    • Made it so you can’t change community names. (This could cause problems for federation later on)
    • Added a better community selector.
    • Helped fix some security related bugs found by the chapo team.
    • @andycuccaro
      44 years ago

      I’m really liking the


      mardown buttons

      • DessalinesOPA
        54 years ago

        Ya, we’ve had them for a bit


        but no one knew about it :(

  • @nutomicMA
    4 years ago

    This week I was working on upgrading to the latest version of the activitystreams library. @asonix@lemmy.ml was very busy, so there were a lot to catch up with. Doing that took a lot of changes, partly because our code sucks and has a lot of copy-paste. The good news is that the library changes have made our code less verbose, and we also got a security feature basically for free.

    Here are the relevant PRs:

    Next week I will do some proper refactoring to clean up all the duplicated and unneeded code. Should be much easier to work with it then.

  • @Freeplay
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @nutomicMA
      84 years ago

      That’s something we will add later, but for now federation has priority over new features.

  • @ray
    44 years ago

    Keep up the good work folks! this site is coming together quite nicely :)

  • @unperson
    34 years ago

    Why no IPv6? I can’t federate from home without IPv6.

    • DessalinesOPA
      24 years ago

      Is there an issue for that? I don’t know how to test if that works.

      • @unperson
        34 years ago

        Right now lemmy.ml doesn’t have an AAAA record, if the server has a public IPv6 perhaps you just need to add it. Make sure you’re binding to :: and not to

        You could test by disconnecting your computer (not the server!) from the v4 Internet with ip route del default, assuming you have IPv6 connectivity. Do ip route show default first so that you can ip route add default via … later to restore your v4 access. If your ISP doesn’t offer v6 you’d have to fiddle with Teredo, but it’s worth it because then you have end to end connectivity with everyone else on the v6 Internet with no NAT.

  • @Alex1138
    24 years ago

    I really like the new design

  • Metawish
    14 years ago

    I noticed when I posted, the box where it asks which community never shows the list of communities. Once I start typing, the community will pop up, but once I click it, it disappears. Not sure what the issue might be, I’m using the solar theme on my Samsung S10+. (I hope I attached the screenshots I took! First picture is what happens when I click to add a community to post, second is after I start typing)