
Lemmy’s a bit of a smaller community at the moment, but everything has its beginning. This post welcomes you all to share some anime you’ve been watching recently. What are your thoughts on it? What are your thoughts on anything anime related for that matter?

Thanks and take care :)

  • @Spaniard
    74 years ago

    Hi all! I wouldn’t say I’m new to anime, but I haven’t seen nearly as many as some of my anime watching friends. Or probably some of y’all in here.

    I’m currently watching Boku No Hero Academia and Seven Deadly Sins. Also, even though it isn’t anime; my kids just finished watching “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, and so my wife wanted to introduce them into anime; so she’s showing them her first anime, Inuyasha.

    • @seraphOP
      24 years ago

      Sounds great! Hopefully your kids enjoy it.

    • @seraphOP
      24 years ago

      Oh that’s rough. Hang in there though, you’ll make it through! I hope you can get back to enjoying some anime :) I’m also looking forward to that second season as well as a few others that are going to air.

        • @seraphOP
          4 years ago

          Along with Re:Zero, I believe Danmachi season 3 is airing, as well as part 2 of SAO Alicization War of Underworld (<-- this one was delayed due to covid19, the original air date was april lol).

          So far, these ones are on my radar for the coming summer season :)

            • @seraphOP
              14 years ago

              Lol, I was surprised by some of the similarities we shared after reading your reply. However, I should mention that I didn’t get through any Alicization light novels xD.

              If you ever find the time, I highly recommend you watch the characters truly come to life in the anime! The sound, the colours, it’s magic.

              Danmachi is also special to me too. And, if you didn’t already know, Bell and Kirito share the same voice actor!

              PS: Thanks for taking the time for this discussion, I am happy to see this community out and about.

    • vendion
      44 years ago

      So far I watched the first episode of Princess Connect, so I don’t really have any solid opinion on it, but I find the nearly silent protag hard to like. Hopefully it gets better, I’ll give it a few more episodes before I come to a solid opinion. On top of that I have been watching Azure Lane as well.

      That trailer for Mushoku Tensei looks interesting though may have to add it to my watch list.

        • vendion
          34 years ago

          I’m enjoying it so far, only a few episodes in, but I may not have the same appreciation as you as I have not played the game but it seems to have a good enough lore to it.

    • @joonazan
      14 years ago

      I have read the manga. There was a lot that I didn’t like but on the other hand I haven’t seen any better pop culture version of the history of science.

      I find it a bit sad that all of Senku’s inventions make sense but only after researching them. (Except nitric acid in the cave, which is highly unlikely to form naturally) It is more exciting and educational to study it yourself but most people are not that good at finding information. On the other hand it would be really boring if everything was explained in full detail.

      I can recommend Shin Sekai Yori. It is pretty different from typical anime, as it is mostly hard scifi. I found it just as good or better watching it the second and third time because of numerous forward references and visual puns.

    • @seraphOP
      14 years ago

      Oh? I didn’t know about that. ‘~’ I hope for the same too. If possible, it would be ideal to have minimal setbacks. But we do have this active problem in our hands that should be dealt with. Safety first.

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

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