Apparently, some schools in the U.S. didn’t teach phonics until recently (2014).
Did anyone here learn phonics in school?
No, but I remember seeing the TV ads for Hooked on Phonics
Hooked on phonics worked for me!
Since I come from a culture where our alphabet is actually consistent to how you pronounce things with no exceptions:
Sure your country’s high grammar might be consistent, but the general day-to-day would have influences from other languages that can’t be so neatly categorised, and their pronounciation would differ from region to region
We do, and even those have rules. Not phonetic rules though
Well technically that is phonics, you see a new word, as a learner, you know how to sound it out. Compared to the Whole Word learning method where somebody has to teach you what a word says. English is a nasty mess of both.
noʊ, aɪ doʊnt θɪŋk aɪ dɪd.
stop using ipa
meɪk mi.
Yes, I think so. I also did Hooked On Phonics with my grandfather before starting kindergarten which meant I could already read by the time we started school. This was in Texas in the early '90s.
I’m not sure what specifically is meant by phonics. My grandma taught first grade for 30 years, ending around 2000. She said when phonics came in “that’s just teaching reading” and when phonics went out “well, obviously we still have to teach how the alphabet works” and when phonics came in again “eye roll”. So, whatever the school leadership says, my guess is kids are learning phonics.
A lot of kids were taught to read badly. There’s this whole “whole word” and “cuing theory” approach to reading that doesn’t work very well.
Apparently 65% of fourth graders aren’t proficient at reading (as of the linked source from 2022)
Back in the day, we learned phonics and syllables, and the general proper way to spell, pronounce and enunciate words.
Today people are lazy, and say shit like ROTFLMFAO, and expect everyone else to know what that letter salad means.
That’s early 00s speak tho.
I said back in the day. I was born in 1982, back when people Xeroxed their memes and knew how to spell out things like Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off.
Xerox?! In my day we only had those faded-ass mimeographs, stinky sheets of blurry purple letters :P
…and we learned phonics in Canada in the late 70s.
Back when you had to upload your memes via scantron
stinky sheets of blurry purple letters
Hey now, the fresh ones smelled pretty good!
Ah, we actually had those purple mimeographs in gradeschool! Yep, the quality was shit, but it worked.
I just figured more people would remember Xerox. 🤷♂️
I don’t remember ever hearing the word “phonics” except in commercials for Hooked on Phonics
That said, the concept of phonics was absolutely part of how I learned to read, even though they never outright told us that that was what we were learning.
Where is ‘here?’ I grew up in Midwest, US, and I absolutely learned phonics.
What decade though. I did too, but it was the 1980s.
They got rid of it in many outpaces as a reaction to the Bush admin saying phonics works and arranging to mandate it.
It was probably the only thing Bush was right about, but common core was not the way to implement it.
I learned on the 90s.
Yup this didn’t start till after the 2000
I remember one time thinking about how my grandpa didn’t learn this and other related skills as a kid the same way I did in school and so we understand our same language a totally different way, where I saw parts of words, he just saw a whole word.
Yes, from early 70s onward.
Yup. It’s phuckin awesome
I agree. You can’t loose.
I just had the phonics monkey
Yes, my elementary school explicitly used it.
I didn’t, for me it was “Ai, Bee, See, Dee, Eee, Eff, Jee” (except in my local language Danish). My children all learnt phonics in their U.K. school and it’s taught them to read 5x faster I’d say).