Tomorrow’s US military must approach warfighting with an alternate mindset that is prepared to leverage all elements of national power to influence the ideological spheres of future enemies by engaging them with alternate means–memes–to gain advantage. Defining memes. Memes are “units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation,” and as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.
Also private firms:
the spamming of low quality content has been seen on many anti capitalist subs on Reddit
We have unironically been fighting in the NATO meme war all these years
The DNA of the soul! Lol i had forgot that one, great clip
I knew someone would say that
It has to be this way
Eeew, just learned about r/NATOWave on Reddit. Looks like the meme warfare is ramping up!
Whats this even supposed to mean? Be fascist? lol.
Mask off? 😳
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Insane shit, how are these people even real?
Goebbels just got a hard on in hell
Sweet mother of Based
Monsoon was right
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see Comrade’s comment
Indeed, why waste money on infrastructure or even weapons, when you can just flood the net with fabricated memes and brainwash the youth of “the enemy”. Not to mention the proles at home.