And I just assumed they called Rainbolt
It was free but mostly used by stalkers. It was very accurate. Now it’s closed to the public because it’s very profitable, and only the police are using it. Congrats to the developers! You made it. You sold your neighbors’ safety to the oligarchs and their goons and now you can retire on a yacht, fanning yourself with money while the world burns.
Seriously. Fuck all the tech and programmer guys helping to accelerate our doom and subjugation.
Which excludes FOSS maintainers. Who should be well funded to protect our tech stacks from neglect.
Whatever you are scared of.
I’m scared of this more
foss spyware is still spyware
Nope it’s pentesting. Gotta keep up with IT terminology. If the author didn’t intend it, it’s malware.
If any spyware or back doors are found, foss community can quickly deal with it.
This happened with xz, a rogue maintainer snuck in malware which was by chance found. But there would be no chance if it were closed source or talented maintainers were so appreciated by society that they were mourned after starving to death.
foss spyware is still spyware
Honestly it’s a bit trickier. I listened to the podcast episode and my 1st thought was like “Damn… obviously bad” and during the FOSS part I couldn’t but think “Ah… for my photo with missing EXIF GPS data… that’d be neat” specifically because I’m using Immich to host my photo on my server. Now Immich has face recognition, cf and more. Would it be wrong to extend it?
the programmers should at least use licenses that prevent legal use by the police and government agencies.
LOL. Rules and laws are for the working class. Even if selling the data elsewhere or to a shell corporation wouldn’t work, some other legal fiction would be invented for the occasion.
And this isn’t a recent phenomenon, this is just how we’ve always lived our lives.
America was never great, but it could be.
Maybe this is why they want to expand the limitations for work visas. Bring people in who tend not to ask questions… Not at first, anyway. It takes a while to get the hang of how this American corporate greed thing works.
Geoguessr players: Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power
What if the Geoguesser players are the AI?
The Powerful AI Tool That Cops (or Other Stalkers) Can Use to Geolocate Photos in Seconds
Remembering how good, kind and private life was in 1984
I played with this a couple times. Once it located a nondescript stream in the UP of Michigan to within 200 miles. It knew the picture was taken in the UP. The second was a ferry dock in a foreign country (English speaking). It found a sign and that misdirected it to the other side of the country.
I wasn’t impressed. Apart from the they provide for the demo, it found none of my photos.
Perhaps it gets better next time you repost?
This has always been possible with anything anyone has ever posted publicly before social media. I’m glad sheeple are waking up.
So, take pictures in monochrome or apply some kind of filters is what you’re saying?
Use generative AI to replace the background of all photos. I’m sure someone will come up with an app that does this automatically one day
We’re getting closer and closer to a scanner darkly.
I was searching for the title of that movie a while ago. Thanks.
There are filters that autonatically blur background.
the article mentions that the tool takes into consideration architecture, distance between buildings and so on. i think youd have to mess up the backgrounds somehow
Use unidentifiable backgrounds or remove them in post. I’d suggest small patches of sand, dirt or grass, walls, etc. Avoid anything that can be found on a map like mountains (and other large scale topography), buildings, power lines, etc.
The article is clipped. Is there a non-paywalled version
There are several other sources about it if you don’t want (like me) a paid subscription to read a short article (Paywall skippers show a little more but are also all blocked)
Even the app itself
Thanks, bro! I tried 12ft but it didn’t work
Can’t you also attempt exif data?