Is there a way to block posts from an instance from showing up on my post feed? Lemmygrad has gotten to be a bit much over the past week or so. I know I can block communities, but I would rather not play wack a mole there.

  • @Faresh
    102 years ago

    Wait, one can block communities? How do I do that? It has only been GenZedong that has gotten a bit too present in the All page and is really the only one I want to hear less from.

      82 years ago

      On the web version, go to your own profile, there’s a tab for blocks, you can add communities there. Haven’t found a way to so it from the community page yet.

    • @pingvenoOP
      52 years ago

      I did it through the web UI. It can be done through the mobile web UI as well.

  • @Thann
    52 years ago

    My solution was setting this in my settings:

    • DessalinesMA
      42 years ago

      Yep, this or setting your default view to local is the way to go.

      There also aren’t too many active communities on lemmygrad, mainly about 3, so you could alfo block them individually.

  • krolden
    52 years ago

    I asked this question when I first made a account and was told to start my own instance and dont include them in my list of federated instances.

    I have yet to do that and have since just blocked genz dongs and call out bs when it leaks out into other lemmygrad cummunities

  • Dochyo
    42 years ago

    In the app i can set it to show me only posts local to, this doesn’t block the instance, but it keeps them from dominating the feed. Presumably the site can also do this?

    • @pingvenoOP
      52 years ago

      I do want the posts from the other instances. I just don’t want to get spammed by Lemmygrad. I just took the wack-a-mole approach and it seems to be working okay.

    • @pingvenoOP
      42 years ago

      I was just looking at that! I will definitely look into applying.

    • @pingvenoOP
      12 years ago

      I’m on both, but thanks for the helpful suggestion!