You wanna know why the PRC censors stuff?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    122 years ago

    i’m still mad that liberals saw HK protesters in Nazi uniforms, and flying Nazi flags (or using posters with swastikas on them) and still believed the HK protesters were justified.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      92 years ago

      liberals when protesters in the south wear Nazi uniforms: this means the other side are fascists, this alone is enough reason to believe Trump’s supporters are Neo-Nazis

      liberals when they see protesters they support wearing Nazi uniforms: those people don’t define the movement, there’s a lot of nuance to this.

  • Camarada Forte
    112 years ago

    “The outcry over the Nazi costumes in Taiwan, while obviously offensive to those educated on this terrible period in history, should remind us of the dangers of cultural relativism,”

    Funny how bourgeois media bring up this foggy cultural relativism when it comes to justifying public displays of Nazi symbology, but when it comes to intervening in the Middle East somehow the way people dress, believe and behave is dangerous.

    • @a_Ha
      32 years ago

      Exploitation : Producing large amounts of goods at very low prices.
      (could be very obvious for you, well, it took me a few minutes)

      • QueerCommie
        42 years ago

        I think they meant they all have a lot of western influence and/or were started as fascist dictatorships with lots of support by the us and the west

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    2 years ago

    “(But) it’s not like we don’t do that in our own culture – how many people have Che Guevara t-shirts or Mao Zedong hats?” he said.


    No, anticommies. A sensible analogy would have been the Confederates or the American ‘Revolutionaries’, not people who made concerted efforts to help the lower classes. The Yank ‘Revolutionaries’ in particular often resorted to tactics that neoliberals would easily decry as ‘totalitarian’ if a state inimical to Imperial America committed them. But I guess that as long as it’s Yankees committing the atrocities and not foreigners, then they’re no big deal.

    Frankly, though, I doubt that wearing Axis uniforms, even the Hugo Boss varieties, would inspire that much outrage in the Anglosphere.

  • mekhos
    72 years ago

    Wow, thats one they’ll want to remove from their facebook wall before traveling abroad.

  • @obbeel
    52 years ago

    Well, Brazil is just as far from WWII as East Asia, with a minor participation in it and neutral stance. Yet, we get neonazis here. It could perfectly well happen in Asia. Besides, Hitler was also supposed to be antiestablishment. There is something weird going on here, maybe neonazis funding? I don’t know.

  • The Free Penguin
    42 years ago

    we gotta teach ppl in east china about the atrocities the nazis committed