So i have a problem with almost constatly being bored also ima young adult so boredom is kinda common around this time. you might be shocked but i cant drive yet becasue im not intersted also im super afraid to drive. i spend most my time indoors becasue it shot outside and scary (thats the dessert for ya). i usally watch youtube and sometimes i play video games but i just want to do something more with my life, ya know? im just not sure what.
also i feel like i post about this kind of stuff way too much… i also want money but i also want to have fun which is annoying.
Mushrooms are pretty easy to grow.
Just need a hobby man. What are you interested in? Pickup guitar or something. If you want a job look for a job. If you want a job later but not now, start taking classes online that you would benefit from for a career later
I second the hobby. I have rotating interests. Sometimes I’m hooked on reading. Sometimes it’s taking free classes I can find online and at like the library. Had a lot of fun playing DND with a group and sketching my character and scenes from our games. Learned piano/keyboard. I’m going back to school through work currently and hoping for a better position once I’m done. I’m also dabbling at painting when I get a chance. I wanna be the Bob Ross of the desert when I retire, so gonna have to learn. Oh, and if you learn a second language you can often get a bonus at some jobs.
I know you say you watch YouTube and play video games and want other things, but one thing you could do is start learning one of the main reasons why you’re bored and start a discussion with your family.
You could also start taking free college-level courses about what you might want to do as an adult on MIT Open Courseware, or EDx. Honestly, if it’s free to learn, try a few things out. Maybe what you think you want to do, doesn’t actually jive with you.
You could write fan fiction of books, movies, games, or TV shows you like and post it to AO3. This would help you be creative and thinking about what your characters might do instead of just living in a mundane world.
You said you wanted to make a game. It’s hard work, making video games, but you could use something like Godot to put something quick together. There are tons of tutorials online though.
It might be easier to learn some Python programming first and make a basic text-game. Then you could look at Ren’Py to make a visual novel if you or a friend are good at art.
Hopefully something here will jive with you. But I do want to leave you with this: boredom isn’t bad, actually.. This is part of a stream he did, so I’d recommend checking out the full if you want the tools on how to handle boredom well.
Have you thought about finding a remote job or side hustle that you can do without leaving your house? That can give you something to do and get you some money. You can read books, or if that doesn’t interest you start doing some body weight workouts. Keep your mind interested and your body tired and you won’t be bored. If you want to never be bored again, you could always get in to Warhammer 40k, lol.
i have been thinking about doing a sidehustle but im not sure what, ive been trying to sell my old items i no longer need but i haven thad much luck yet. warhammer looks interesting but im a fan of games more like dnd but i have no-one to play with and im not a fan of online games, also warhammer seems pricey in a way.
You should see if you can find a local d&d group, that’s what I did and my dead social life is finally alive again
I was mostly joking about Warhammer, cause if you get into the tabletop side of it you’ll never be lacking for things to do (or have money again). As for the side hustle, search online for ideas and you’ll find some pretty easy ones. If you’re artistic you can design shirts or something, or do little gigs on Fiverr. They have some young people that make a lot of money with an online side hustle, just have to get creative and put in some work on it.
If you can’t find a local D&D group, just start playing on something like Roll20. All you need is a headset (and the rule book of your choice, but even those can be acquired in other ways if money is tight). Added bonus is using a webcam, but it depends on the type of group you join up with.
Playing locally is great, but online groups are more consistent when it comes to scheduling :)
Learn something / pick up a hobby. Programming can be very rewarding and can set you up for a career but other things are equally fun. I also enjoy electroplating and you can get started relatively cheaply. Various arts / mediums can also take up a lot of time and energy while allowing you to express yourself
Exercise, reading, video gaming, watching movies, painting, sculpting, weaving, virtual reality, photo editing, origami, drawing, Lego, electronics, programming… I mean, there’s a lot of things you could do.
you make some good points but i just feel like i stink at everything even simple things, idk maybe im just depressed. ive been wanting to make a game lately but i keep trying and trying but no matter how hard i try i just cant. also can you explain some of the things you listed like electronics, what do you mean by that?
It’s totally OK to stink at stuff, it would be weird if you were just somehow automatically good at it. Don’t give up, even if you just do a little bit every day. Hobbies take time and practice and every hobby isn’t going to interest every person: Try out different stuff to learn what you like!
Except exercise, just do that one even if you don’t like it at first: It’s a great way to help cope with depression too. I go for walks every day and that alone has done a lot for my mental health.
By electronics I mean learning about electrical engineering, how circuits work, etc.
Everyone stinks at stuff first, that’s how it works. I’d bet even the best basketball player missed their first shots at a hoop, no matter how talented they are. Same for everything else, do you really think someone just sat down, grabbed a violin or a piano and immediately produced perfectly pitched music?
Grab something that interests you and give it a true shot. Maybe for a few days or a few weeks, depending on how complex the topic is. You will get better at it and get results.
For example in just a few days you could learn enough programming to create your own small program or game (I did tic tac toe and snake after about a week or so just trying to mess around. The code was awful, but it was fun to try). Or you pick up a game engine (Like Unreal Engine or maybe Unity for a slightly simpler start) and watch tutorials if your main focus is wanting to make a game.
Even “making a game” isn’t a singular skill. There is a reason why there’s artists, game designers, animators, sound engineers, programmers (engine, gameplay, graphics, sound, …), marketing and so many other departments. Maybe you put your goal too high? As someone starting out a small 2D game might be achievable at first. Then you take what you learned and make a better game or prototype afterwards. Maybe take part in game jams where you hash out an idea in short time, not a finished product, just something to have fun with.
Do you have other ways to get around? Maybe moving to a place that does? I realize I’m not answering your question, but there’s only so much fun you can have indoors by yourself all the time. You’ll end up feeling bored eventually no matter what. You specifically mentioned that outside is scary, which I think is the core problem here. Doing some exposure therapy by yourself or with guidance from a therapist could help.
Reading is always fulfilling for me! If you can’t afford books you can always get a library card, which will let you borrow physical books ofc and in a lot of places gives you access to ebooks too. If that doesn’t work either, you can always go to Project Gutenberg and read classic ebooks 100% free