So i have a problem with almost constatly being bored also ima young adult so boredom is kinda common around this time. you might be shocked but i cant drive yet becasue im not intersted also im super afraid to drive. i spend most my time indoors becasue it shot outside and scary (thats the dessert for ya). i usally watch youtube and sometimes i play video games but i just want to do something more with my life, ya know? im just not sure what.
also i feel like i post about this kind of stuff way too much… i also want money but i also want to have fun which is annoying.
i have been thinking about doing a sidehustle but im not sure what, ive been trying to sell my old items i no longer need but i haven thad much luck yet. warhammer looks interesting but im a fan of games more like dnd but i have no-one to play with and im not a fan of online games, also warhammer seems pricey in a way.
You should see if you can find a local d&d group, that’s what I did and my dead social life is finally alive again
I was mostly joking about Warhammer, cause if you get into the tabletop side of it you’ll never be lacking for things to do (or have money again). As for the side hustle, search online for ideas and you’ll find some pretty easy ones. If you’re artistic you can design shirts or something, or do little gigs on Fiverr. They have some young people that make a lot of money with an online side hustle, just have to get creative and put in some work on it.
If you can’t find a local D&D group, just start playing on something like Roll20. All you need is a headset (and the rule book of your choice, but even those can be acquired in other ways if money is tight). Added bonus is using a webcam, but it depends on the type of group you join up with.
Playing locally is great, but online groups are more consistent when it comes to scheduling :)