So i have a problem with almost constatly being bored also ima young adult so boredom is kinda common around this time. you might be shocked but i cant drive yet becasue im not intersted also im super afraid to drive. i spend most my time indoors becasue it shot outside and scary (thats the dessert for ya). i usally watch youtube and sometimes i play video games but i just want to do something more with my life, ya know? im just not sure what.
also i feel like i post about this kind of stuff way too much… i also want money but i also want to have fun which is annoying.
you make some good points but i just feel like i stink at everything even simple things, idk maybe im just depressed. ive been wanting to make a game lately but i keep trying and trying but no matter how hard i try i just cant. also can you explain some of the things you listed like electronics, what do you mean by that?
It’s totally OK to stink at stuff, it would be weird if you were just somehow automatically good at it. Don’t give up, even if you just do a little bit every day. Hobbies take time and practice and every hobby isn’t going to interest every person: Try out different stuff to learn what you like!
Except exercise, just do that one even if you don’t like it at first: It’s a great way to help cope with depression too. I go for walks every day and that alone has done a lot for my mental health.
By electronics I mean learning about electrical engineering, how circuits work, etc.
Everyone stinks at stuff first, that’s how it works. I’d bet even the best basketball player missed their first shots at a hoop, no matter how talented they are. Same for everything else, do you really think someone just sat down, grabbed a violin or a piano and immediately produced perfectly pitched music?
Grab something that interests you and give it a true shot. Maybe for a few days or a few weeks, depending on how complex the topic is. You will get better at it and get results.
For example in just a few days you could learn enough programming to create your own small program or game (I did tic tac toe and snake after about a week or so just trying to mess around. The code was awful, but it was fun to try). Or you pick up a game engine (Like Unreal Engine or maybe Unity for a slightly simpler start) and watch tutorials if your main focus is wanting to make a game.
Even “making a game” isn’t a singular skill. There is a reason why there’s artists, game designers, animators, sound engineers, programmers (engine, gameplay, graphics, sound, …), marketing and so many other departments. Maybe you put your goal too high? As someone starting out a small 2D game might be achievable at first. Then you take what you learned and make a better game or prototype afterwards. Maybe take part in game jams where you hash out an idea in short time, not a finished product, just something to have fun with.