For the first time ever I had to manually download dictionary files (to my e-reader). So I headed online expecting to find a clear king-of-the-hill free & open English-English dictionary, but it turned out that this was easier said than done.

With my brief search I found the StarDict dictionaries, available here.

So, this is thread about open dictionaries!

  • Share you’re favourite dictionaries
  • Is StarDict the go-to?
  • General thoughts on the matter
  • @nutomicA
    92 years ago

    I use Quickdic from fdroid, works perfectly well for the languages I need.

  • 林嘉铭 ليمْ جيا ميڠ
    52 years ago

    Finding open dictionaries is so difficult, you’d expect simple offline computer readable text data to be easily accessible but it’s just so frustratingly not the case… I’ve been looking for a Malay or Indonesian one forever and I just can’t find any :( I hope others can give more examples like StarDict