Personally I think not having karma limits is nice currently! I understand why they were used but grinding karma as a lurker on reddit was frustrating.

    2 years ago

    Mostly agree with your perspective. But also I have some caveats. 🙃

    Having spaces where our ideas are challenged is important, but when people have completely different views about a topic, it’s less challenging of ideas and more pointless fighting with neither side learning anything. I’m willing to discuss anything with anyone, but only for a limited amount of time. I don’t want to spend all my time trying to convince other people of the most basic tenets of my beliefs.

    So yes, I welcome liberals and communists and even conservatives on this site and we can all debate it out, but its also not crazy to protect spaces where people can have more nuanced discussions with like minded individuals. Luckily I think the federated nature of this site is the perfect solution to provide both. is still for communists by communists. And most other instances are for everyone by everyone. That’s fine.