What do you all think the best strategy is? I’m kind of in the Uncle Fester/Strike camp where if enough people can produce their own it’s an impossible war for the man top win so eventually they’ll give in.


  • @bc3114
    12 years ago

    Rehabs. Also find out who sold it to them and put these drug dealers behind bars.

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
      12 years ago

      Yeah but what if the person doesn’t want to go to rehab? It’s difficult to figure out who deals drugs, many low level drug dealers are users themselves.

      • @bc3114
        12 years ago

        Rehabs should be and in fact is mandatory in a lot of countries. To my knowledge, most drugs can be easily traced with some sort of chemical method. It’s only a matter of time before law enforcement narrow it down to the drug dealers. Though admittedly this would cost a ton and can be really difficult in countries like, no offense intended here, Mexico.