Anyone have any good information on using ublock origin with tor browser? Does it compromise my anonymity?

  • @Lunacy
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

      • @snek_boi
        33 years ago

        I can totally see how Madaidan can cause fear, uncertainty, and doubt. When I read, for example, his criticisms of Linux, I felt not only that, but also disappointment. You for sure have good reasons to dislike Madaidan and either GraphenOS or the Lemmy GrapheneOS community. But I don’t know them. Could you explain a bit why Madidan and GrapheneOS (or it’s Lemmy community) are problematic? Your answer would help me see what you see :)

        • @Lunacy
          2 years ago

          deleted by creator

        • @TheAnonymouseJokerM
          3 years ago

          Read above comment chain comments too, and notice the other person’s deleted comments for some reason

          Edit: the grifter is making claims about

          And please, don’t listen to TheAnonymouseJoker. He is known as a troll in basically every privacy community

          Here, “every privacy community” refers to NoGoolag and SpiteChat Telegram/Mtarix rooms, both places where madaidan is an admin and his entire pack of extremely racist people shitpost all day. It may also refer to r/privacytoolsio, where blacklight and madaidan seem to be close, toxic friends that call each other for brigading anyone who criticises them. blacklight, r/PTIO mod, once even attacked me after I was banned by trai_dep, the monster in the privacy community that promotes Apple and AMA hosts absolutely disgusting people like Cory Doctorow.

        • @TheAnonymouseJokerM
          -63 years ago

          Surely not gonna take the words of ! moderator, are you, readers? This person moderates the GrapheneOS community here.

          I would like to tell you that you even begged for moderating TheHatedOne and GrapheneOS communities here. Reveals a lot about you more than me.

          • akc3n
            3 years ago

            Requesting is not begging, hence the purpose of c/community_requests

            You seem like an angry person replying out of hate. I’m sorry for whatever it is that happened to you to be this way. It doesn’t give you a right to attack, harass and bully people.

            Edit: your behavior is very much like an abuser in real life that gets off on verbally insulting people for your own sick and twisted kicks.

            • @TheAnonymouseJokerM
              -23 years ago

              Quite the leap there, with the abuser claims. Be careful with the projection and the sarcasm, it might burn you a little on the inside.

              You are just revealing about yourself as you continue to reply to me.