What is the best external hard drive in terms of privacy, security and storage capacity? Should I wait for a better one coming soon?

I’m looking for minimum 2tb of space (the more the merrier), don’t mind the cost

  • Helix 🧬
    23 years ago

    You often can’t shuck the Element drives and they have proprietary controllers.

    I’d go for a proper enclosure.

      • Helix 🧬
        13 years ago

        You can always do what you proposed with a 3.5" hard drive from WD too which are very cheap.

        yep, I’d recommend that. There’s also a list somewhere which shows you which drives can be shucked (=removed from their enclosure, without having proprietary connectors), but I can’t find it right now.

        I’d never buy non-standard controller drives.