I’ve reviewed over 10,000 resumes hiring at startups and large companies. Recently I’ve partnered with some recruiters at MANGA+ companies and started PineappleResume, a free interview guide & paid resume review service - But I’m doing it on Lemmy for free!
How to get a Free Review:
- Share a link to your resume below (info redacted or not)
- If there aren’t too many posts, I’ll get to it and give a review
Note if you’re not targeting a general Software Development position, include what role you’re going after and optionally the JD.
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Content around bulletpoints:
Your bulletpoints in the experience section are better than your other content (they’re actually quite good), which is rare. Great use of verbs, numeric data, and it tells the full Situation/Task, Action and Result.
There’s still some changes I would recommend to increase impact.
I.e. change “Conducted Data Analysis on automation rates in various areas in the company and presented the findings to various stakeholders using PowerBI, PowerApps and Excel”
To: “Conducted Data Analysis on automation rates in various areas in the company [using R/SQL/whatever] and presented the findings with PowerBI and PowerApps”
I.e. change “Created an Alexa voice bot for quickly update stakeholders on service outages to their applications by using existing Natural Language Engines, AWS and Splunk API calls which increased reporting efficiency by 20%”
To “Created an Alexa extension using AWS and Splunk API to update stakeholders on service outages, decreasing incidence response time by 20%” (Fix grammar, remove fluff, specify where the 20% came from)
I.e. change “Developed interactive components for a user interface navigation, menus and changing between different types of graphs in JavaScript”
To “Developed interactive navigation components & menus for modifying graphs displaying data for XYZ, a 30M product, in React.js” (Mention more advanced tooling (which I assume you used), reword for exemplifying result a bit more, also added a random number to show you’re still thinking about the big picture on the product you’re working on).
I.e. change “Developed a website that helps display various datasets on a graph and to change the filters of the graph to display a specific range of values on the graph using the Flask framework and Chart.js”
To “Developed a website that visualizes [over 500 datasets/60GB+ datasets in under 0.5s] using Flask and Chart.js” (Add numeric data, remove fluff)
“Maintained student submission and attendance rates over 90% through engagement efforts that included automated remainders and accountability” - Want to shoutout that this is a fantastic bulletpoint - It’s not worded the best or displaying the most amazing achievement, but the information conveyed for Action and Results is top notch.
Your bulletpoints in the “Project Section” and “Leadership” are much lower quality. Also make them start with past tense verbs-
I.e. change “Tracks your online spending by tracking which recurring subscriptions the user has purchased • Sets reminders to when the next recurring payment is due, and it has set limits to how much you want to spend on your subscriptions.”
To “Created Javascript based recurring subscription tracking app supporting payment reminders, spending limits, deployed on [Firebase?]” (Also add Firebase to your list of skills)
Then your next line is great, because together it covers the full STAR.
Your Leadership bulletpoints have a lot of fluff and can be condensed into a 1 or 2 bullets then put under Projects to save space. There’s also a lot of “Action” (i.e “sharpen […] skills”, “building relationships”, “complete […] assignments”, “engage with mentor”), but no numeric data or results which means these words have no backing and are just resume filler.