• @soferman
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • soronixa
      23 years ago

      I don’t know how the ideas of an actual researcher means lemmy is crazy, care to elaborate?

      • @soferman
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • soronixa
          33 years ago

          I haven’t looked up the researcher, but there are researchers of chiropractic ‘science’ as well.

          you didn’t agree with him and thought yeah, he must be some nutjob?

          there are many things about American nationalism that really resemble a religion, imagine it like this, every morning at school you pray to a flag and your classmates accompany you in the ritual, that flag is so important that an athlete makes national news for having a pose that’s considered against the flag code. then suddenly your state dicides those teams that don’t play the national anthem aren’t faithful enough, so let’s stop the funding. and you’ve got “in God we trust” on your dollors, and your supreme court says it’s not religious, and votes for it to remain this way. and your politicians always pray at the end of their speeches, and everyone believes in a redemption called the American Dream^TM , and guns are the holy objects that are held more valuable than human lives, and then you’ve got this superiority complex that makes you think your the most righteous. should I go on and talk about evangelicals too?

          at what point does it stop being just nationalism and becomes a religion? considering that most definitions of religion don’t even exclude fandoms or consumerism, it’s not controversial to say that.

          now does Norway really compare to this? when was the last time you invaded a country because God had told your president to do so? what you describe is more like trying to remain a nation with the same collective identity.

    • DessalinesA
      13 years ago

      And more ableism. That’s 2 warnings I’ve needed to give you within a few hours.

      • soronixa
        53 years ago

        isn’t it a bit to far to consider calling others crazy a form of ableism? I understand that the intention behind its use is to offend, but I don’t think it’s reason enough to receive an admin warning.

        • DessalinesA
          23 years ago

          I really don’t like it, as its a personal attack that’s easy to rely on for lazy trolls who don’t want to describe why they disagree with something. I know its not a DSM classification or anything but its still used to demean people with mental disabilities.

          • @nutomicA
            23 years ago

            I really don’t like it, as its a personal attack that’s easy to rely on for lazy trolls who don’t want to describe why they disagree with something.

            @soferman@lemmy.ml does that all the time, he doesnt need to the specific word “crazy” to do it.

            • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
              3 years ago

              Yeah he thinks people who don’t agree with his political views aren’t “normal human beings”. The implication presumably being thst they hsve some kind of mental disorder. The abelism is clear if you have that context.

              Example: https://lemmy.ml/post/67740/comment/57195

          • @soferman
            3 years ago

            deleted by creator

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker
              3 years ago

              Calling others tankie scum or authoritarian defenders for a month or two is not exactly normal civil behaviour. None of the people that criticised you ever needed to use slurs against you to make their point.

      • @Flelk
        -43 years ago

        This is absolutely fucking idiotic. Or is “idiotic” an ableist slur because it degrades stupid people?

        This kind of blatantly ideologically-motivated behavior is why your platform will die.

        • DessalinesA
          33 years ago

          Your “free speech” reddit alternatives where you can say any bigoted slur you want, and be as rude to strangers as you want already exist. Why don’t you go there instead?

          • @Flelk
            -23 years ago

            Straw men, straw men everywhere. Thanks for making the decision to leave your crazy echo chamber easier.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          3 years ago

          You have not justified why the words you use are needed to convey your point. Is your argument that bad?

          Edit: oh look my boy downvoted me instantly, not even trying to resolve or explain
