I would love the child of a Surfacebook with a Framework laptop; or A bare keyboard attached to a screen, that I could plug my phone (possibly running Phosh) and use it as a hardware for a laptop experience

    • @everett
      67 months ago

      PineNote exists too, though it’s often out of stock. Remarkable tablet has a pretty decent hacking community, and gives you its root password in settings. Kobo devices have been able to run aftermarket software for years, and recently there’s been progress in booting a complete OS. If you’re okay with Android there are even more choices. @crunchpaste@lemmy.dbzer0.com you’ve got some options!

      • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
        67 months ago

        Now that we’re on the topic, an idea for an eCafe where there are plenty of physical books, but you can plug in the reader to a machine to fully download the book so you can read it offline.

        I think I want to learn more about coding and find a bunch of leftist buddies and make shit that’s actually “innovative”.