• @pingveno
    -51 year ago

    Communism is perfectly capable of ruining the environment. See: the Soviet Union sucking the Aral Sea dry.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      71 year ago

      This isn’t the gotcha you seem to think it is. Mistakes and disasters will happen under any system because it’s impossible to definitively predict what will happen when dealing with complex systems.

      The difference however is that capitalism necessitates growth by its very nature, and encourages businesses to externalize their costs such as environmental destruction in order to maximize profits. Capitalism is fundamentally built on the idea of endless consumption, and has created lots of innovations like planned obsolescence to keep producing things as quickly as possible.

      On the other hand, communism doesn’t hinge on growth and constantly producing things in order for the economy to function. In fact, work is actually seen as a cost to the state. There is an incentive to produce goods that last and can be repaired.

      Systemic pressures are very different between the two systems.

    • @BendingUnit@midwest.social
      41 year ago

      True! But only capitalism is destroying humanity’s ability to survive on this planet. And profiting off the destruction. And incentivizing it to continue, to the detriment of everyone I know and love.

      • @imgprojts
        -31 year ago

        I thought ruzzia was beating the bejisus out of Ukraine and was threatening to go nuklier when Ukraine got a little help from it’s friends. I thought ruzzia was a dictatorship.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            31 year ago

            The fact that many Americans think that modern Russia is communist is a real testament to the effectiveness of US propaganda.

            • @BendingUnit@midwest.social
              31 year ago

              I might say it’s a testament to American’s ability to pay absolutely no attention to the world around them, and still have a huge ego trip thinking they know what’s what. The first word that comes to mind when describing what capitalism did to Russia is “criminal.” And I don’t honestly believe the guilty parties will ever be held responsible for what they did.