browsing through All has so much pro-fascist posts coming from lemmygrad that it drowns out all the other instances. I’m surprised they’re even federated by default but we should have an option to block instances from All if lemmy is deadset on federating with them just because they are fascists with a red and yellow flag…

(before the Tankies start posting about how they aren’t pro-fascism “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy” which all describe the Z movement in Russia they gleefully support in multiple posts)

    2 years ago

    that is not a solution. the main mastodon instance didnt continue to federate with gab etc and tell people to change instances. because the default instance shouldn’t federate with pro-fascist instances. We shouldn’t federate with them by default and if is deadset on federating with them because they hide their fascism under a communist flag users should atleast be able to block the instance

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • NXLOP
        -102 years ago

        look at how much lemmygrad defends and promotes fascism via supporting the Z army\war etc. it’s a pro-fascist and anti-anarchist instance that isn’t blocked and is taking over the all section with their pro-fascist propaganda.

        • Amicese
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • NXLOP
            -112 years ago

            Did you read the post? Or any of my comments in the thread? They constantly support the Z army and their invasion of ukraine. The current government of Russia ticks every box in the definition of Fascism, outlaws being gay, decriminalized domestic abuse, and funds far-right and christian nationalist fascists around the world like the US did to Latin American countries dozens of times.

        • Catraism-Stalinism
          72 years ago


          every principled communist can be anti-anarchist

        • @frippa
          -12 years ago

          We ban fascists, we are anti anarchist

        • Catraism-Stalinism
          82 years ago

          Ah yes, supporting the death of fascists and the extermination of their ideology from humanity makes me a fascist

          how very smart of you!

    • Ninmi
      2 years ago

      One of the biggest, if not the biggest benefits of federation is that you can easily change administrators while staying on the same network.

      Only Gargron wants to run a flagship instance. Lemmy devs have made it very clear their instance has certain specific purposes and that they don’t intend it to be the main instance. I’m just wondering if we should remove the invite-request friction for a little while in Beehaw and Sopuli to take the weight off of and so that the admins there can keep federating with Lemmygrad if they really wish.

      It would probably be best to recreate some of the communities made in elsewhere and actually contribute there. I really think your best bet is to just contribute elsewhere.

    • Lenins2ndCat
      2 years ago

      It’s not a default instance and comparing a communist site like lemmygrad to a site utterly dominated by actual fascists like gab is the stupidest thing I’ve seen this week.

      82 years ago

      Currently there’s this message coming from admins that is no longer flagship instance.

      I totally support blocking instances but while this feature is unavailable, we can help build new flagship instance.

      I’m sorry if I sounded too rush, it is indeed not a solution, just a workaround for current situation.

      Anyways, thank you for raising important questions, cheers

      52 years ago

      This is the solution. If you are wanting to block a whole swathe of content youre on the wrong instance.

      2 years ago

      Actually that is the solution. won’t block lemmygrad because the same people are behind both so the two instances are together. Even if you block lemmygrad there are users who know it’s blocked and so they make accounts on where they know they’ll have a larger audience and also sympathetic admins will back them up. Here you can’t tell the truth about any communist government past or present.

      Lemmy was designed to be federated. Federation is the main solution to these types of problems. Nobody needs to feel like they have to use

      However I also agree with your feature request. It would be useful.

      • Catraism-Stalinism
        82 years ago

        Here you can’t tell the truth about any communist government past or present.

        we are telling the truth about them, you just spout propaganda