• @thervingi
      32 years ago

      Better than Zuckerberg deciding what we’re allowed to say.

      • @altair222@beehaw.org
        52 years ago

        Eh? You do know that truth social is just going to ban any opposing worldviews right? Hell its even known to use mastodon code illegally. They’re not one of the better ones out there.

        • @thervingi
          32 years ago

          Reread what I wrote. I don’t expect Truth Social to be anything good. It’s just that having alternatives is better than a single monopoly.

          • krolden
            22 years ago

            Its an alternative the same way r/conservative is an alternative to r/thedonald. Except instead of answering to reddit admins they have to worry about their host putting up with their shit, ddosing, and everything else that comes with running your own platform.

            Shit like this is still controlled by a group of people dedicated to spreading their bullshit ‘truth’ while silencing any opinions/facts that disagree with their predetermined narrative.

            • @sibachian
              12 years ago

              i really don’t see the issue with that though. isn’t it great that they’re over there, rather than in here?

              • @altair222@beehaw.org
                22 years ago

                No, bubbles never work for the better of the society. Constant intellectual challenge on the other hand does.

                • @sibachian
                  12 years ago

                  you mean like how commercial social media literally push you to be in constant conflict because it drives user interaction and helps them generate wealth while also destabilizing nations and causing violent conflicts as a “reasonable” consequence?

                  no thanks, i want to be able to exist without perpetual idiocracy. i’m pretty sure their rhetoric causes brain damage at this point. let them be dumb on their own. and their world slowly crumble as they kill themselves off with antivax, nomask, guns, bleach, etc.

                  it’s a problem that eventually solves itself when their belief is confronted with actual reality.

                  • @altair222@beehaw.org
                    12 years ago

                    I’m amazed that you think that while the whole conversation was about promoting fediverse, you somehow deduced that I want people to be using algorithm based platforms like twitter and Facebook.

          • @altair222@beehaw.org
            12 years ago

            And I’m just saying we need better mainstream alternatives. This is nothing to be celebrated because this just puts a stain on alt-tech

            • @thervingi
              32 years ago

              Quite the contrary. If Truth Social succeeds, then it will encourage more competition to enter this space. If it fails, then people will be reluctant to enter this space.

                • @thervingi
                  42 years ago

                  I don’t want Truth Social to succeed because I like it. I want TruthSocial to demonstrate that we’re not condemned to use Twitter/Facebook etc for eternity. That it is realistic to challenge them and win.

                  • @altair222@beehaw.org
                    32 years ago

                    So why not just work on promoting lemmy and mastodon? Given that Truth social is just a bastardized version of mastodon.

                  • krolden
                    2 years ago

                    Hasn’t the fediverse already proven that?

        • @Stoned_Ape
          2 years ago

          You do know that truth social is just going to ban any opposing worldviews right?

          Lemmy started out like that as well. It has drastically changed, though. Good on the devs for that. I really mean it.

          • krolden
            12 years ago

            What do you mean?

        • krolden
          22 years ago

          They already ban anyone without a full on trump loving opinion. Its just more weaponization of freeze peach.

        • Sandro LinuxOPM
          2 years ago

          Hell its even known to use mastodon code illegally.

          Truth Social’s code is open source. It uses elements of Mastodon and Soapbox.

          • Tempo
            32 years ago

            The only reason they released the source code is because people dug around the pre-release versions of the site and found it was based on Mastodon, while TS claimed they owned all copyrights to the software. They were in breach of Mastodon’s license.

            They would have gotten away with it if this had never came to light.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      22 years ago

      What’s important is invalidating the idea that only a handful of oligarch owned sites are legitimate media. The more alternative platforms appear the more the better in my opinion.

      • krolden
        22 years ago

        Isn’t trump just another oligarch?

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          02 years ago

          Of course, but my point was that normalizing having a lot of different sites is valuable. One of the main problems I see is the notion that only information that comes from a few mainstream sites is legitimate, and everything else can just be ignored out of hand. Having more media platforms and public forums is helping challenge that.