• @thervingi
      42 years ago

      I don’t want Truth Social to succeed because I like it. I want TruthSocial to demonstrate that we’re not condemned to use Twitter/Facebook etc for eternity. That it is realistic to challenge them and win.

      • @altair222@beehaw.org
        32 years ago

        So why not just work on promoting lemmy and mastodon? Given that Truth social is just a bastardized version of mastodon.

        • @thervingi
          32 years ago

          Truth Social is growing very fast, driven largely by politics. Mastodon is not growing as fast. I use Mastodon and recommend it to everyone. But I’m also realistic. Most people will not leave Big Tech unless they have a reason. (and people don’t care about privacy enough for that to be the reason)

          • @sibachian
            22 years ago

            i hate that i am forced to use facebook for a number of reasons. the main reason though, people use facebook because that’s where people are. so for people to not use facebook people would need to populate another platform where people are, before people are there. it’s a catch-22.

            if the fediverse could have a unified interface for all platforms within the fediverse, conveniently interconnected by a single app/interface, so every platform would be populated instantly, and users started contributing content to each of them. the fediverse would stand a much bigger chance to get big. especially if a new type of niche platform could be invented to bring a lot of users over who aren’t actually interested in the fediverse for the fediverse sake.

            i mean, if you could use mastodon, peertube, goldfish, mobilizon, pixelfed, owncast, writefreely, etc. etc. etc. all under one umberella of access and convenience. without bugs and inconvenience and poor loading time, etc. and figure out an attraction that users want to experience (filling a gap of social media that doesn’t already exist). then the momentum for population growth and content creation on all platforms would naturally grow (in the west). facebook etc is impossible to kill because of net neutrality laws in some countries. but citizens of those countries generally don’t have access to the internet anyway. and the day they do, they would probably want to explore this unified service. let’s call it… a unified fediverse, or universe for short.

      • krolden
        2 years ago

        Hasn’t the fediverse already proven that?

        • Sandro LinuxOPM
          2 years ago

          Mastodon hasn’t had mainstream success and is mainly people used by open source tech enthusiasts and people care about their privacy.

          • @sibachian
            22 years ago

            There are tons of challenges for Mastodon to overcome though. It’s not able to aggressively market itself because it doesn’t have a budget to challenge the big social media networks without getting actively crushed by them. No commercial interest wants to move to the fediverse because they can’t exploit it and use it as a marketing platform. It also can’t afford to strike deals in countries with no net neutrality laws (in many poorer countries, facebook can be used entirely without a paid internet subscription; which effectively makes facebook the de-facto internet, as people can’t afford a paid subscription to access the rest of the internet). I.e. when facebook removed their free option in India, there was a massive surge of users coming to Mastodon, unfortunately this wasn’t capitalized on (in fact, it had a lot of resistance), and the momentum died down.

            Additionally, some of the fediverse is currently being supported and funded by the EU, who also officially hosts a few services within the fediverse. A handful of people within the EU wants to end the american commercial monopoly of social media and are pushing for the fediverse to replace them. But for that to happen, a lot more need to change. For one, if they finally manage to ban facebook in EU, you could see a good surge of adoption for the fediverse if marketing is done right and have an actual budget (the social media called ‘Band’ saw a big spike when facebook started banning a bunch of hobby groups - which was a missed opportunity, that should have been the fediverse, not another commercial ‘facebook’ clone, but the fediverse don’t have a budget nor convenient apps and resources to make people jump ship over here - i.e. if the team behind Mobilizon didn’t focus on france first-and-foremost, with the single biggest server being french (because the devs own server is always the ‘trusted’ server), and had an app available, Facebook/Band could have had actual fediverse competition).

        • @thervingi
          12 years ago

          The only people who know of the Fediverse’s existence are tech enthusiasts. It’s not a mainstream phenomenon and is not really hurting big tech financially. Truth Social is a much larger phenomenon.