I mean since Microsoft bought Github. I moved all my code out of there (which is not a lot btw) /u/dessalines

  • @dirtfindr
    54 years ago

    The yerbamate.dev repo is indeed freedom-respecting and is free of all the evil of Github, but there is no issue tracker. It’s backwards to have the issue tracker on Github, the walled-garden where access is difficult/blocked for some as well as out of reach to those with strong enough morals not to use Github.

    • @nutomicA
      44 years ago

      True, but unfortunately most people have accounts on Github already, and dont want to sign up on another site just for one project. Hopefully this will get better when Gitea gets federation.

      Having two seperate issue trackers would be even worse imo.

      • @dirtfindr
        4 years ago

        I wouldn’t propose two issue trackers. There should be one issue tracker, and it should be on a non-controversial platform that is open to all, not an exclusive walled-garden.

        I have a Github acct from the days prior to Microsoft ownership. Now that MS owns it, it’s more difficult to login. In fact, github logins are more difficult than yerbamate.dev registrations. I often discover bugs in software that is exclusively on Github, but I don’t report them b/c I can’t be bothered to login and support Microsoft’s assets.

        • @nutomicA
          24 years ago

          Well /u/dessalines is the one you have to convince about this, I’m completely with you ;)

          • DessalinesA
            54 years ago

            /u/dirtfindr Its seems strange that even things like gitea, which has its own issue tracking system and literally replaces github, still primarily uses github for issue tracking. I similarly don’t plan on moving because:

            1. Most of the development community is still on github. Its not good, but its where people are.
            2. I’m pushing to 3 different repository locations rn, and PRs are open on all of them. Github has received the most.
            3. There is currently no decentralized issue tracking system. And if there was, I’d probably still keep both while people are doing the transition.
            4. A lot of people have asked me to use their preferred systems/technologies, not really caring about the amount of work it would take to transfer everything.
              • DessalinesA
                54 years ago

                if you use gitlab/github, you will loose contributions from the people not wanting to use gitlab/github.

                github has received the most contributions because it is the primary work area, not because of your users like github most.

                I had issues open on gitlab and yerbamate for months, and advertised all three. Very few issues opened. PRs are still open on all three, but the only PRs have been from me and nutomic. So unfortunately no one is using them, although they do exist. Most people are still using github.

                You can issue PRs here if you don’t want to use github or gitlab: https://yerbamate.dev/dessalines/lemmy

                As far as issue tracking, I don’t really want to migrate all the issues, until a federated issue tracking system gets mostly working.

                  • @dirtfindr
                    14 years ago

                    yeah I noticed gitea doesn’t eat their own dog food, which reflects poorly on them.

                    Luckily we aren’t limited to Gitea. You can avoid Github and Gitlab.com and use a 3rd party instance of a Gitlab installation. In that case there is no ethical issue and likely to functionality issue either b/c I believe the Gitlab s/w package is feature rich.

              • @dirtfindr
                4 years ago

                Concur with u/fruechtchen.

                Also lazy users are perhaps not the ones making significant contributions to the project anyway, because they’re lazy.

                Consider as well that when Github/Gitlab.com force me through hoops as a Tor user, not only am I too lazy to solve CAPTCHAs and do Github email re-verifications but I also feel like those efforts feed unethical systems which is even more anti-motivational. I will not dance for them – and as a consequence I often do not report bugs that I discover if the project is on Github or Gitlab.com.

                • @nutomicA
                  24 years ago

                  You can also report bugs here on this site.

                  • @dirtfindr
                    4 years ago

                    When a project uses Gitlab.com or Github, I’ll usually report the bug in some unconventional place (IRC, a forum, Mastodon, etc). I have little confidence that it gets spotted by someone who then actually transcribes the bug into a bug tracking/triage system. For some projects there is no suitable means of communication (they only use Twitter or Facebook or some exclusive walled garden).