• @marmulak
    33 years ago

    I had anxiety as well, and I’ve suffered from anxiety-related illness in the past so it may be something I’m prone to, but I read about research done with COVID-19 and it appears to have a strong link to anxiety, and it’s thought that the infection and the body’s response actually physically causes anxiety. And that’s in addition to the lifestyle issues like being afraid of the disease, being in lockdown all year, and afraid that you’re going to die or be crippled. There’s really nothing for it

    • Christian
      43 years ago

      It seems totally realistic that anxiety could exacerbate things, especially when the whole ordeal is making me question my sanity. I just struggle to believe that without anything else going on it could manifest in this way, with this severity, starting up when my mood was jubilant for feeling like we both had just gotten past the virus without much damage. I’m having trouble believing that it’s 100% anxiety because the severity of the symptoms gives me so much cognitive dissonance that I find it emotionally painful.

      Maybe that reaction that it doesn’t feel possible is just from my own inexperience with anxiety issues. Honestly, even saying that out loud is hard for me though. Again, the cognitive dissonance is emotionally painful.

      • @marmulak
        33 years ago

        Definitely not 100% anxiety, it’s just a factor that complicates things. I my self wonder how much simpler and easier the disease would have been for me if I had no anxiety and just didn’t worry about it, but the way it affects you mentally is very real.