What should I use it for?
In case of posts - should I downvote things that I don’t agree with? Or things that I don’t want to see in my feed (posts with low amount of votes fell more to the bottom)? Or things that I consider harmful/stupid/younameit?

In case of comments - should I downvote something that I don’t agree with? When should I use this button in case of comments. Or maybe I should not - cause what’s the point, actually?

  • @Stoned_Ape
    4 years ago

    Reddit has grown considerably. I guess that maybe 2% use it that way.

    • @kujawOP
      14 years ago

      So having in my that Lemmy will also grow, we should have this fact in mind.

      • @Stoned_Ape
        24 years ago

        If I understand you correctly, we should have the way on how to use the system in mind before Lemmy grows too big. I agree with that.

        I asked about the voting system before on this instance, but most people didn’t care at all. Especially the admins and mods think that anybody should just do whatever they like. They also were not aware of the Reddiquette.

        • @kujawOP
          24 years ago

          You understood me perfectly.

          They also were not aware of the Reddiquette.

          Very surprising.