I want instance eventually like CENSORSHIP FREE where people can say anything, like the voat except no limiters placwd on you and you can SAY ANYTHING whenever you want ans

  • @work_at_google
    -24 years ago

    Most definitely. Lemmy is already becoming a bit of a meme whenever it pops up in other discussions like Hacker News or Reddit because of this. If mods would stay away from actually “contributing” to this instance Lemmy would have been in a much better shape right now.

    It’s also becoming a bit of an echo chamber especially with “lemmy council” or whatever just being spineless yes-men noodles that had absolutely nothing of notable value done since their introduction and just brigade posts with votes…

    That being said it’s kinda moot to discuss it on a dev server. Lets just chill, enjoy the popcorn and wait for the real show to start at some point!

    • @Stoned_Ape
      14 years ago

      Maybe we can call this the times of the youth of user controlled internet. It will be rough for the time being, and errors will be made, but in the end, it will have been worth it. I’m rather certain. :)