Reading theory helps me contextualize and analyze the world around us, which gives hope for a successful future for Humanity. I even wrote an introductory Marxist reading list to help anyone else who wants to start reading Leftist theory.
In addition to that, I find comfort with my friends and family, reading, cooking, gaming, and otherwise engaging with my hobbies.
Reading theory helps me contextualize and analyze the world around us, which gives hope for a successful future for Humanity. I even wrote an introductory Marxist reading list to help anyone else who wants to start reading Leftist theory.
In addition to that, I find comfort with my friends and family, reading, cooking, gaming, and otherwise engaging with my hobbies.
I definitely find that understanding what’s happening and why goes a long way towards removing anxiety and fear.
Yep! A lot of it can be scary, but the unknown is more terrifying because you can’t correctly combat it.