I’m slowly trying to degooglefy my life, and Google news is one of the first sites I check when I log in in the morning.

What news aggregators do you use? My ideal one would be able to give local news when given a location, and allow some sort of tuning of source priority (even if that’s just blocking certain sites from the aggregate).

I’m also not opposed to rolling my own, but I’m not sure how I’d start with a project like that.

  • @wraptile
    4 years ago

    I use self hosted rss reader miniflux and it has been by far my favorite experience! Let me sell you on miniflux real quick:

    • tag based: you tag all of your feeds with their topics and miniflux allows you to browse specific tags, kinda like lemmy. So if you’re in the mood for local news, you can read local etc.
    • keyboard shortcut based UI: walk through articles, open them, mark them as read, save them for later — everything quick under your finger tips.
    • self hosted: drop it in on your server and you can read your news synchronized on any device! It’s really easy to host too.

    I use feedly to find some feeds to follow as it has a pretty nice “popularity based” discovery and import those feeds to my miniflux server.

    Don’t be scared off by “self-hosted” part. It’s literally just install > config postgres sql with 1 command > enable systemd daemon — very simple! Finally they offer paid hosting for 15$/year which is by far the cheapest feed reader out there! For example feedly is like 150$/year 😬

    • @abbenm
      24 years ago

      Thanks! Miniflux looks great. I will say, Newsblur is a very feature complete, awesome rss reader, and its paid version is ‘only’ $36 a year, and it doesn’t require self hosting. It’s not as cheap as $15/year but is at least in a similar ballpark.

    • @ybaumy
      4 years ago

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