I just installed openSUSE Tumbleweed with the hope of using it as my daily driver for the foreseeable future, and when the system finally booted up I got this feeling of cleanliness from it. No extra packages that I installed and then forgot about, no remnants of packages past, no mangled config files, no logs that haven’t been deleted in months, and no files stuffed in random directories that have been lost to history. It just felt really satisfying to finally have a clean slate after having just had my old distro slowly deteriorate and eventually go kaput on me (to be fair, it was my fault, I accumulated errors while tinkering with it over a period of months).

Does anyone get this feeling?

  • @nutomicA
    34 years ago

    Kind of, for me things always get messy after using a linux install for a few years. So I have to install from scratch at some point, it doesnt really feel like a choice. I dont understand people who actually take their old install with them on a new computer.