Software has a problem.

OK, it has many problems. I’ve already highlighted one of them. But this is another important one.

The problem is that software—all software, with no exceptions—sucks. The reason for this is multifaceted and we could spend years and years arguing about who has the larger list of reasons, but in the end it boils down to the proverbial shoemaker’s children: Our development tools are the worst of the worst in software.

  • sparseMatrix
    22 years ago

    Excellent commentary. Excellent use of markdown for emphasis. 5/5

    • @ttmrichterOP
      12 years ago

      Excellent evasion. Truly stupendous pedantry. 5/5

      • sparseMatrix
        12 years ago

        Evasion? Pedantry? I’m afraid you’ve lost me. In any case it seems odd you would adopt such an acerbic posture with someone who essentially just agreed with you right down the line.

        Go figure.

        • @ttmrichterOP
          22 years ago

          Yes. Your reply was not even slightly sarcastic and was clearly supportive. My bad.