Software has a problem.

OK, it has many problems. I’ve already highlighted one of them. But this is another important one.

The problem is that software—all software, with no exceptions—sucks. The reason for this is multifaceted and we could spend years and years arguing about who has the larger list of reasons, but in the end it boils down to the proverbial shoemaker’s children: Our development tools are the worst of the worst in software.

  • @ttmrichterOP
    32 years ago

    You think most programmers have the skill set to build their own compilers, debuggers, operating systems, etc. from the ground up … and I’M the one with a romantic notion of programming.

    Most people who call themselves programmers think that “full stack” means Javascript on both the server and the client. Think the best way to program is to go to SO and cut and paste code snippets. These people cannot build their own tools from the ground up. They can barely get a CRUD-backed web site up and running.