I’ve got two, one, is we love katamari, which I’m currently playing the rerelease of on steam. The Japanese culture, the wonderfully wacky story and gameplay, the weird but enrapturing soundtrack all coalesced into something new and amazing for me that to this day 20 years later I’m still glued to the screen for.

The other one is back when I was little enough, I would lie on my back under the Christmas tree looking out the window at the blizzard outside. I would lie like this for hours just watching the flurry of snow hitting the pane glass, that icy chaos mere inches away from the calm, twinkling tranquility of the string lights on the trees.

Both of these memories make me incredibly happy and frustratingly sad in a bittersweet way, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget them. How about you guys, what childhood memories stuck with you to this day? What felt so special about that moment?

  • Truffle
    3 months ago

    We had a beach cabin that we would go to for two or three weeks during summer. There was no electricity but we had the best time spending time there.

    I remember we would go swimming in the sea under the blistering sun, white hot sand that we had to run on as fast as we could to sit on the porch where my dad had assembled “the porch table” that it was nothing more than the wooden kitchen door that doubled as furniture because that is all we had. Then he would place a big majolica bowl filled with an expertly sliced cooled watermelon…oh man I am tearing up here: The sweet flavor of the ripe cool fruit against our parched salty tongues felt like heaven. The smell of sea and fruit and salt and sand.

    Beautiful memories. I miss my dad so much.