Sorry, i don`t know if this is the correct community to share my thoughts, but I’m wondering if lemmy team does trending posts instead of communities.

As most of us know, trending widgets are to attract the attention to specific topics, and titles play a big role in this. i believe if lemmy team switches the trending communities in the sidebar to show trending topics the widget will paly bigger role to extend the reading time.

Share your thoughts if you agree or not.

  • @jonuno
    32 years ago

    How extending reading time benefits the user?

    • @jay91OP
      32 years ago

      In fact I’m not sure, but maybe this will allow the users discover more. for me, nice titles attract me, i like to jump from post to another with this.

      • @jonuno
        32 years ago

        Although more engagement with a product is taught to be a good thing on itself (especially from marketing pov) it does not necessarily translate into quality of life for a user.