Good news.

  • @wiki_me
    352 years ago

    If anybody is skeptical, here are lemmy growth stats

      • @Metallinatus
        72 years ago

        Lemmy peaked the moment I joined, and I will forever take the merit for that. /s

        (Any idea what happened between January and February last year?)

      • Jama
        22 years ago

        What the hell happened in December?

      • @wiki_me
        12 years ago

        It is in “low maintenance”, since it’s working ok that’s not a problem for me.

        The new project misses the most useful feature of the-federation, sorting instance by “active users” (If you want to go with the “wisdom of the crowds” when picking instances).

        There also seems to be a big differences between the stats. Do you really think lemmy has over 20k users?

      • @nutomicMA
        162 years ago

        Iirc thats dropping out because they disabled the statistics endpoint at some time. Also i believe that was counted twice for a time, when it was renamed from and redirected to the new domain.

        • @a_Ha
          82 years ago

          lirc … irc … internet relayed chatLines ok, so, with that “” the # of “total local comments” went close to
          2 000 000 …
          … then waaaaah! , such a roller coaster.

          …“Nodes” growth is good, tho. (sorry for the white graph to anyone using the dark view)

    • @Tomat0
      52 years ago

      Is there anything regarding how evenly spread the user count is across nodes? If not, maybe developing some sort of formula or index may be good.

      Federation only works if people arent all cramming together on the same instance.