• Spread the word!
  • Call in sick if you are forced to work on Black Friday spend time with your family instead
  • Remain at home and participate in your favorite activity on Friday, November 26 2021
  • Talk to family and friends about your work/life struggles
  • Pass out flyers
  • Join /r/antiwork
  • Join /r/blackfridayblackout
    152 years ago

    I wish

    • join a union

    was one of the bullet points. It’s the most important one, it’s hard or nearly impossible to organize something like this online. I hope people don’t get a bad experience over this, like being the only one to walk out and losing their job. Act together, not alone.

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P
    82 years ago

    Really happy to see the “How can I participate”. Gonna be telling my friends who work in retail!

  • @leanleft
    72 years ago

    i dont think direct approaches are always a good idea. (maybe i’m wrong)

    you could slow down your pace of work leading up to and after black friday. it’s not the same as striking but it’s easier to do. people want everyone to strike without regard for the context or consequences. i suggest lighter and more sustainable things. slow down and then if there’s consequences then unite to hold that ground. everyone agrees that we should have the right to work slower if we need to. forcing the pace is rediculous and everyone agrees on that. (with the rare exception of if work is already super slow). if the pace of work is tightly controlled, then that sucks and you should definitely ‘strike’ or sonething to break that obstruction.

    striking is good too. so maybe im wrong. im just offering an alternative which i hope appeals to people who would see it as binary strike or nostrike.

  • @Merican
    2 years ago

    Good speed up automation, and see where that gets you