• @Zerush
    42 years ago

    Sounds like the PP of Facebook

      • @Zerush
        32 years ago

        Privacy Policy, valid also for the TOS (Terms Of Service) from Facebook, another good story for Haloween.

    • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      62 years ago

      He’s trying too hard and like all debatebros, he’s not helping the movement. Especially making marxists-leninists look like “violence is beautiful for the sake of it” types.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually a fed but there’s no way feds would put that much effort into their ops. So maybe he’s just an infiltrator and I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be a right-winger of some sort trying to co-opt marxism-leninism. But they do support China and are vocal about that.

      You have to be especially wary of people who claim to understand marxism better than anyone else and use that with an air of superiority, as if they are the true representatives of marxism (let us remember Haz is not Lenin conducting the october revolution, he’s a debatebro that came out of nowhere on youtube and picks fights with everyone). Haz has made several mistakes (that of course his fans brush off as out of context, because breadtube) yet he still acts like he’s an expert in the science.

      And recently supporting netflix over the strikes. Yes, strikes are not always progressive (Burkina Faso for one). However, siding with a multinational business over their showrunners because the employees represent the labour aristocracy (debatable) but netflix somehow isn’t part of the capitalist apparatus that has allowed it to become this big that it faces strikes is somehow not part of the equation for Haz. Or maybe he actually meant it ironically to show that strikes are not always something to rally behind. Who the fuck knows with Haz. But he’ll definitely repurpose his word salad afterwards to tell you you are not a real communist because you didn’t instantly get what he meant and if you were principled you would have understood him.

      • @TheConquestOfBed
        42 years ago

        His arguments are class reductionist. Some of the employees who walked out are PMC/Labor Aristocracy, but they’re also trans. Intersectionally they have a better chance of setting legal precedent for internal bourgeois state matters. Waiting 80 yrs for the Revolution to free the proletariat doesn’t help us now.

        • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOPM
          62 years ago

          He prefers to side with the U.S. right to try and convert them than to have anything to do with communists. The fact that they call themselves Communists (they insist on the capital C) and, as we saw in this tweet, want to demolish anything left in the USA shows where their allegiance lies. And yes I know the state of the US “left” (Vaush lmao) but from what I gather if you’re not upholding his specific strain and throwing all your weight behind CPUSA (he’s not even a member), he doesn’t want anything to do with you.

          Denouncing a strike to show the right they’re just like them, this is definitely not going to infiltrator shit.

        • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOPM
          2 years ago

          In another comment on this post you said the US is overrun with psyops so I don’t know what you’re getting at. I also clearly didn’t say haz was a fed. I’d rather you directly say what you want to say than ask weird questions tbh.

            • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOPM
              32 years ago

              This is all well and good, but Haz has made it clear he doesn’t want to win over his own people. He seems to think his own people is the conservative worker, and the woke radlib somehow isn’t.

              Otherwise thank you for sharing your point of view.

    • @nour@lemmygrad.ml
      42 years ago

      Is he? I never heard of him, but looking at that Twitter page, he doesn’t much look like a “tankie”, much more like some guy yelling at everyone on Twitter while thinking himself superior to anyone else…

      • @Zerush
        2 years ago

        Flag shakers and people without their own criteria, only with paroles in their heads, have done a lot of damage to real communism, distorting it, allowing it to become fascist and corrupt dictatorships without the sovereignty of the people, turning them into submissive herd animals under violent regimes.

      • The Free Penguin
        12 years ago

        I’ve seen him on youtube, and other than his debate videos, he actually makes some good points.