• @TheConquestOfBed
    43 years ago

    His arguments are class reductionist. Some of the employees who walked out are PMC/Labor Aristocracy, but they’re also trans. Intersectionally they have a better chance of setting legal precedent for internal bourgeois state matters. Waiting 80 yrs for the Revolution to free the proletariat doesn’t help us now.

    • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      63 years ago

      He prefers to side with the U.S. right to try and convert them than to have anything to do with communists. The fact that they call themselves Communists (they insist on the capital C) and, as we saw in this tweet, want to demolish anything left in the USA shows where their allegiance lies. And yes I know the state of the US “left” (Vaush lmao) but from what I gather if you’re not upholding his specific strain and throwing all your weight behind CPUSA (he’s not even a member), he doesn’t want anything to do with you.

      Denouncing a strike to show the right they’re just like them, this is definitely not going to infiltrator shit.